Twisted Quotes

Doctor: "I'm here in an official capacity, of course, in case of a medical emergency."
Kes: "Emergency?"
Doctor: "Surprises have been known to cause acute hyperventilation, esophageal spasms and in extreme cases, even coronary arrest. One can never be too careful.
Neelix: "Did you see that?!"
Chakotay: "See what?"
Neelix: "He..he..he did a lovely wrapping job. Don't you think?"
Doctor: "How many times do I have to tell you? I am a doctor, not a bartender."
Paris: "I don't suppose anyone here knows the way to the bridge?"  
Doctor: "I'm not programmed to play games."
Gary Gaunt: "Would you mind moving your foot Tommy Boy? It's blocking my shot."   
Tuvok: "When every logical course of action is exhausted, the only option that remains is inaction."  
Chakotay: "Sometimes I find you arrogant and irritating. But you're a hell of an officer."
Tuvok: "Thank you, sir. And since we are speaking candidly, may I say, sir, that I have not always been particularly partial to your methods either."
Neelix: "Happy birthday, Kes!"
Kim: "Are you afraid?"
Paris: "I chose this life. And I guess I always knew it could come to this. But, yeah, I'm afraid."
Kim: "Me too."