The Chute Quotes

Kim: "Did you have to hit me so hard?"
Paris: "Trust me. Around here you don't want anybody thinking you're soft."
Janeway: "I'd like to resolve this situation peacefully, Ambassador. But let me clarify my position.... I will not allow this ship to be boarded."  
Janeway: "Then you won't mind if a few of my crew members come aboard to look around."
Vel: "Not if they don't mind having their throats cut."
Akritiran Patrol: "Power down your engines and prepare to be boarded."
Neelix: "Uh, what was that, Patrol? That last message was garbled."
Chakotay: "I guess you're not the only captain who doesn't want their ship boarded." 
Piri: "With this ship you can attack the prison and get your people out."
Janeway: "I'm sorry. That's not how we do things where I come from."
Piri: "Coward
Kim: "I'm not a killer."
Zio: "If you want to survive in here, you'd better learn to be."
Kim: "If that's what it takes to stay alive then I'd rather die."
Kim: "This man is my friend. Nobody touches him!" 
Kim: "I was ready to hit you with the pipe. Don't you remember?"
Paris: "You want to know what I remember? Someone saying... This man is my friend. Nobody touches him. I'll remember that for a long time