Remember Quotes

Torres: "No. In the dreams, I know him, and more than that, I'm in love with him. Oh, but it's not really me in the dream, it's somebody else entirely. In a way it's liberating."   
Torres: "If you say a word about this to anyone.."
Chakotay: "I know. You'll rip my heart out and eat it raw. Your secret's safe with me."   
Janeway: "I didn't realize you were offering to share it so directly."
Neelix: "I haven't seen Lieutenant Torres around here tonight. I suppose she's putting in a another long night in engineering."  
Doctor: "I don't think satisfying your curiosity is worth risking brain damage, Lieutenant."   
Janeway: "They'll be gone in another day. The situation will resolve itself."
Tuvok: "And yet, you fully intend to continue investigating."
Janeway: "I wonder how long it's been since I did anything that surprised you
Dathan: "You can't go on trying to believe in both of us anymore. Either he's right and you should never see me again. Or I'm right and he is part of a terrible crime." 
Jareth: "They'll say anything to get what they want. Like that boy, Dathan. Has he told you he's in love with you? He's not. It's his way of gaining your sympathy. And not only yours. I've seen him talking to quite a number of young women. Has he been asking you to trust him, poisoning you against your own people, even your own family? That's very cruel. No wonder you've been confused. Now you understand what these people are really like."
Torres: "That's it? We just go on our merry way and nobody ever has to take any kind of responsibility?"
Torres: "I know you have no reason to believe what I've said about your people. All you have is my word against everything you've ever been taught."
Jessen: "That's right."
Torres: "So prove me wrong. Go down to Enara and find the colony where the Regressive's were suppose to live. Talk to people. Ask questions. Learn the truth for yourself."