Episode Guest Characters

TREKCORE > VOY > EPISODES > CODA > Guest Characters

PLAYED BY: Sandra Nelson

An alien lifeform took the form of Admiral Janeway's identity and tried to lure Janeway to her own death after she had crash-landed on a planet with Chakotay. The alien had invaded her cerebral cortex, causing hallucinations. It told her that she died in the shuttle crash, and tried to convince her she should accept her death. It pretended to be the spirit of her father who had come to help her to the afterlife. The non-corporeal being tried to coax her spirit away from her body so it could feed off of it. She sensed that she was still alive, in her body and that the Doctor was trying to save her. The alien told her that was a hallucination and urged her to come with it. Janeway knew her real father would have wanted her to struggle to survive, and realized that the apparition was not her father. She refused to go, and the alien left her cerebral cortex and she regained consciousness.