Coda Trivia


When recording his log about accepting the captain's death, Tuvok begins with the words "Tactical Officer's Log". However, in a previous episode he began his log with "Security Chief's Log".
The virus couldn't have simply "escaped" from the transporter pattern buffer. It was converted into a matter stream and could only act if it were re-materialized
"Admiral Janeway" is wearing the wrong comm badge for the era it is trying to represent. This could be interpreted as a clue for Kathryn as to the false nature of the creature but is unlikely, given that her memories of her father, which the creature was tapping into, would've been of him wearing the TNG-style communicator rather than the current one shown here.
Tuvok claims that Captain Janeway is a good friend, though in the episode "Alter Ego" he claims to not have friends.
The tip of the boom mic. appears briefly at the end when Janeway and Chakotay are in the Captain's ready room.