Disclaimer: Star Trek: Voyager and all its characters and episodes are owned by Paramount Pictures. The following script is made available for your personal enjoyment only. Script courtesy of Astor Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STAR TREK: VOYAGER "The Omega Directive" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. CARGO BAY The lights are dim in the Cargo Bay, and SEVEN OF NINE is regenerating in her alcove, eyes closed. It's somehow unsettling to see her here, surrounded by Borg hardware - we're reminded that she's still far from human. There's a series of Borg beeps and mechanical sounds... and the lights come up... Seven of Nine's eyes open. COMPUTER VOICE: Oh-six-hundred hours. Regeneration cycle complete. Seven of Nine moves out of the alcove, instantly awake. She goes to the Borg console and briefly checks over some readings. She speaks to the com, recording a log entry - this is her daily routine. SEVEN OF NINE: Daily Log, Seven of Nine, Stardate 51781.2. Today, Ensign Kim and I will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic of the aft sensor array. I'm allocating three hours twenty minutes for the task, and an additional seventeen minutes for Ensign Kim's usual conversational digressions. (beat) I'm scheduled to take a nutritional supplement at fifteen hundred hours, engage in one hour of cardiovascular activity, then I intend to review a text the Doctor recommended, entitled "A Christmas Carol." He believes it will have educational value. (beat) End log. She heads out the door. 2 INT. MESS HALL (OPTICAL) TUVOK and HARRY KIM sit at an isolated table, with a Kal-toh game between them. Kim holds one of the thin rods, trying to decide where to place it. He studies the chaotic haystack from one angle, then switches to another. KIM: I'll get this... don't give me any hints. TUVOK: I had no intention of doing so. Seven of Nine ENTERS the Mess Hall and approaches Kim. SEVEN OF NINE: Ensign. KIM: Hi, Seven. SEVEN OF NINE: Are you ready to begin our sensor diagnostic? Kim looks up, surprised. KIM: Is it oh-six-hundred already? We've been playing all night. Seven of Nine glances at the game. SEVEN OF NINE: Vulcan Kal-toh. KIM: For a game of logic, you'd be surprised how addictive it is. Give me a few more minutes to figure this out... He turns his concentration back to the game. TUVOK: You should attend to your duties, Ensign. I'll accept your forfeit. KIM: No way. This is the closest I've ever come to beating you, and I'm not giving up now. He continues to study the Kal-toh, from one angle, then another. Seven of Nine waits for a few seconds, then loses patience. She takes the rod from his hand, and places it, almost absently. The Kal-toh SHIMMERS, and forms a perfectly symmetrical shape. Kim stares at it, amazed. Tuvok nods. TUVOK: Impressive. SEVEN OF NINE: Elementary spatial harmonics. (to Kim) Are you ready now? Kim acknowledges, still stunned. KIM: Yeah... sure. As they leave, he glances back at the game. KIM: (to Tuvok) I would've gotten that... Off Tuvok, less than convinced... 3 INT. CORRIDOR Kim and Seven of Nine head down the hallway. KIM: Is there anything you don't know? SEVEN OF NINE: I was Borg. KIM: (overlapping) "I was Borg." That's what you always say but what does it mean? You've got the knowledge of ten thousand species in your head? SEVEN OF NINE: Not exactly. Each Drone's experiences are processed by the Collective. Only useful information is retained. KIM: Still, that probably makes you the most intelligent human being alive. SEVEN OF NINE: Probably. KIM: (lightly) So what do you need the rest of us for? Silence from Seven of Nine. KIM: Forget I asked. The ship TREMBLES mildly, and they both look around, curious. KIM: What was that? 4 INT. BRIDGE (VPB) CHAKOTAY's in command, PARIS and N.D.s are at stations. Torn's checking a console. PARIS: We just dropped out of warp. CHAKOTAY: What's the problem? PARIS: We were hit by some kind of shockwave. CHAKOTAY: Source? PARIS: (as he works) Checking... Suddenly, the monitor on his console goes blank, and an OMEGA symbol appears. Paris tries to work the console, but nothing happens. PARIS: Hold on... I just lost all my sensor readings. The computer's bringing up some kind of message, but I can't access it. You'd better take a look at this. On the monitor by his chair, Chakotay sees the same mysterious symbol. He looks around at other monitors on the Bridge - it's on all of them. CHAKOTAY: I see it. PARIS: What is it? CHAKOTAY: I have no idea. He works his console for a moment, then reacts with some surprise at the results. CHAKOTAY: My command codes aren't working. The computer says I have insufficient clearance to access the message. He looks around at the frozen Bridge monitors. CHAKOTAY: We can't function like this. I'm going to get Harry up here to trace the source... But before he can make the com call, the Turbolift doors OPEN and Janeway strides onto the Bridge, purposeful. JANEWAY: Don't do anything. I'll take care of this. She stops at an aft console, and enters a few commands. The Omega symbol disappears. JANEWAY: Send all sensor data about the particle wave to my Ready Room. Tom, disengage engines and hold position here. CHAKOTAY: Captain... what's going on? JANEWAY: I can't explain right now. Don't discuss any of this with the rest of the crew. I'll have further instructions for you soon. She EXITS into the Ready Room, leaving the Bridge crew to exchange curious looks - what's going on? FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 5 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Janeway ENTERS, and goes to her desk. JANEWAY: (to com) Computer, seal the doors to this room. No entry without my authorization. COMPUTER VOICE: Doors are sealed. Janeway sits, and activates her desktop monitor. The Omega symbol appears. JANEWAY: (to com) Access secured datafile Omega One. COMPUTER VOICE: Voiceprint confirmed. State clearance code. JANEWAY: (to com) Janeway-one-one-five-three-red. Clearance level ten. COMPUTER VOICE: Confirmed. The image on the monitor changes to a graphic of a small starchart. There's a DOT in the center, representing Voyager, and a line tracing a course from it. COMPUTER VOICE: Sensors have detected the Omega phenomenon within one-point-two light years of this vessel. Implement the Omega Directive immediately. All other priorities have been rescinded. Janeway takes this in for a moment, grim. JANEWAY: (to com) Display sensor data. As she settles in to study the information. 6 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) holding position in space. 7 INT. ENGINEERING Chakotay is giving out PADDS to Paris, Seven and TORRES. CHAKOTAY: (to all) I've been informed that this is a highly classified mission. Information will be provided on a need-to-know basis. Captain's orders. TORRES: Classified... by who? We're sixty thousand light years from Starfleet... CHAKOTAY: Like I said- need-to-know. They start looking over the PADDS. CHAKOTAY: (to Torres) B'Elanna... she wants you to install multiphasic shielding around the warp core. TORRES: (off PADD) I've never seen this shield configuration. I'd like to run a few computer simulations to make sure it's stable. CHAKOTAY: No time. She needs this done by eleven hundred hours. TORRES: Eleven hundred? I'm not sure that's possible... CHAKOTAY: Make it possible. Seven of Nine will give you a hand. SEVEN OF NINE: Are we attempting to protect the core from some form of subspace radiation? CHAKOTAY: I don't know any more than you do. SEVEN OF NINE: It will be difficult to complete the task without more data. CHAKOTAY: The data you've got will have to do. (to Paris) Tom, start modifying a Shuttlecraft to withstand extreme thermal stress. Twelve thousand Kelvins, at least. PARIS: Aye, sir. Paris nods. Torres can't resist asking... TORRES: Does all this have something to do with that secret message the Captain received? Chakotay shoots her a glance. CHAKOTAY: What have you heard? TORRES: Rumors, mainly. Janeway's been locked in her Ready Room for the past sixteen hours... and something about an "Omega Directive" Seven of Nine reacts to this. SEVEN OF NINE: Omega... PARIS: Ring a bell? CHAKOTAY: Look, the speculation ends right here. Now, I expect you to carry out your assignments with a minimum of gossip. Understood? Everyone acknowledges. CHAKOTAY: (lightly) I know it's hard not to wonder... frankly, I'm curious myself. But the Captain was very adamant about this. (beat) Get going. Everyone starts working. Chakotay pulls Seven of Nine aside, speaks quietly. CHAKOTAY: (to Seven) The Captain wants to see you. SEVEN OF NINE: I thought she might. Chakotay gives her a puzzled look. But Seven EXITS without another word. CUT TO: 8 INT. READY ROOM Janeway is at her desk, immersed in her work. She's surrounded by PADDS, two desktop monitors, and a cup of coffee. The rumors are true she's been locked up in here for a while. The door CHIMES. JANEWAY: Come in. Seven of Nine ENTERS. Janeway eyes her. JANEWAY: What do you know about the Omega Directive? SEVEN OF NINE: Everything you do. Most likely. A tense beat - even though we don't fully understand what's going on here, or what they're talking about, there's a sense of gravity to the situation. JANEWAY: I thought as much. The Borg assimilated Starfleet Captains. You'd possess all of their knowledge. SEVEN OF NINE: That's correct. (beat) Do you intend to carry out the Directive? JANEWAY: Yes. SEVEN OF NINE: Then sensors have detected the molecule. JANEWAY: So it appears. But we have to confirm it. SEVEN OF NINE: We? JANEWAY: You're going to help me carry out the Directive. Protocol forbids me from discussing this mission with any of my crew. But since you already know about it... my choice is to either work with you, or confine you to quarters. SEVEN OF NINE: Perhaps you should do the latter. (off her look) I will not help you destroy Omega. It should be harnessed. JANEWAY: That's impossible. SEVEN OF NINE: The Borg believe otherwise. Janeway looks surprised. JANEWAY: Explain. SEVEN OF NINE: On one occasion, we were able to create a single Omega molecule. We kept it stable for one trillionth of a nanosecond before it destabilized. (beat) We didn't have enough boronite ore left to synthesize more. But the knowledge we gained allowed us to refine our theories. JANEWAY: And the Borg have been waiting for the chance to test them out... SEVEN OF NINE: Yes. But we never found another source of the ore. Until now. JANEWAY: Sorry, if someone out there is experimenting with Omega, I'm under orders to stop them. Otherwise, this entire Quadrant would be at risk. SEVEN OF NINE: Those orders were issued as a result of Starfleet's ignorance and fear. (pointed) I can alleviate your ignorance. As for your fear... JANEWAY: Sometimes fear should be respected. (back at her) Tell me... how many Borg were sacrificed during this experiment? SEVEN OF NINE: Twenty-nine vessels... six hundred thousand Drones. But that's irrelevant. JANEWAY: Not to me... not to my crew... and not to the people who live in this quadrant. I'm going to neutralize this threat... with or without your help. A long, tense beat. Then: SEVEN OF NINE: I will assist you. JANEWAY: (taken aback) You will? SEVEN OF NINE: I've waited many years to observe this molecule firsthand. I won't deny myself the experience. JANEWAY: All right. Go to your Cargo Bay... assemble all the data you have about Omega. I'll expect a report within the hour. Seven acknowledges. But Janeway's still puzzled about something... JANEWAY: I didn't realize you had such a strong scientific curiosity. Seven hesitates... there is a deeper purpose in her words... almost a sense of awe. SEVEN OF NINE: Not "curiosity". desire. Omega is infinitely complex... yet harmonious. To the Borg, it represents... perfection. (beat) I wish to understand that perfection. Janeway looks at her. JANEWAY: (lightly) The Borg's Holy Grail. SEVEN OF NINE: Captain? JANEWAY: Never mind. (beat) I'll see you in an hour. Seven turns and EXITS. Janeway sits at her desk, looks at one of the desktop monitors. 8A INCLUDE THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) It shows a graphic of an OMEGA MOLECULE - a crystalline, jewel-like sphere, slowly spinning, glowing with energy, almost alive. As Janeway studies it, troubled. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: 9 INT. SICKBAY The DOCTOR is facing Janeway, mid-conversation. DOCTOR: (alarmed) Arithrazine? What for? JANEWAY: I'm going on an Away Mission. DOCTOR: What are you planning to do - stroll through a supernova? JANEWAY: Something like that. (beat) Twenty milligrams. When can you have it ready? DOCTOR: Captain... arithrazine is used for the most extreme cases of theta-radiation poisoning. A physician must be present to monitor the treatment. JANEWAY: That won't be possible. DOCTOR: Then I'm afraid I can't accommodate you. I'd be in violation of Starfleet Medical Protocols. JANEWAY: Well, I'm overriding those protocols... DOCTOR: Don't tell me- "The Omega Directive." Whatever that might be... JANEWAY: The arithrazine, Doctor? DOCTOR: It'll be ready in the morning. JANEWAY: Have it sent to the Shuttle Bay. Janeway turns to go. DOCTOR: Captain... I don't know what's going on here... but I'd hate this to be the last time I ever see you. (beat) Please be careful. Janeway is touched by his sentiment, but she's resolved to see this mission through. She nods, then turns to go... CUT TO: 10 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Seven of Nine is standing at the row of alcoves, working a control panel. A CONSOLE there displays a graphic of the OMEGA MOLECULE seen earlier, this time surrounded by Borg alphanumerics. Janeway is looking on. SEVEN OF NINE: I've analyzed the sensor logs using Borg algorithms. The shockwave we detected indicates not one... but possibly hundreds of Omega molecules. JANEWAY: (reacts) Location? SEVEN OF NINE: Within ten light years. I'm having difficulty isolating the exact star system. JANEWAY: Transfer your data to the Astrometrics Lab. I'll work on it there. (thinks) Hundreds of molecules... that changes everything. We're going to need more firepower... more protection... SEVEN OF NINE: A shuttle mission may be insufficient. We require the resources of this entire crew. Janeway considers... we get the sense this is something she's been struggling with all along. JANEWAY: I've already considered that possibility... it' s too dangerous. If something goes wrong, I want Voyager a safe distance away... so Chakotay can get this crew out of here. Janeway looks at her. JANEWAY: (continuing) Unless you think the risk is now too high. in which case, you can stay behind. SEVEN OF NINE: I have no intention of staying behind. As they work... CUT TO: 11 INT. SCIENCE LAB Tuvok and Kim are working on a PHOTON TORPEDO, which has a panel open on it. This is a delicate operation, and they're quiet and focused. TUVOK: Phase modulator. Kim gives him an instrument, and Tuvok uses it on the internal circuitry of the torpedo. TUVOK: Detonator circuits? Kim checks a console reading. KIM: On standby. TUVOK: We're ready to load the gravimetric charge. Kim very carefully hands Tuvok a narrow CYLINDER - the actual CHARGE. KIM: This looks like enough for a fifty isoton explosion. Tuvok places the cylinder into the torpedo casing. TUVOK: Fifty-four, to be exact. KIM: What are we planning to do, blow up a small planet? TUVOK: I don't know. KIM: This warhead isn't standard issue... who designed it, the Captain? JANEWAY'S VOICE: (lightly) Mister Kim... you ask too many questions. REVEAL Janeway, who has just ENTERED the room. She moves to them. JANEWAY: (continuing) Change of plans, Gentlemen. Increase the charge to eighty isotons. A beat. Tuvok raises a brow. TUVOK: Aye, Captain. JANEWAY: Harry, when you're done here, give B'Elanna a hand with the shuttlecraft. She's reinforcing the hull. KIM: Right. Janeway EXITS. A beat as they work. Kim is intrigued by the mystery of what's happening. KIM: Ensign Hickman thinks it's Species Eight Four Seven Two. TUVOK: Pardon me? KIM: That's his theory: there's an opening in fluidic space, and Captain Janeway has to shut it down. Tuvok doesn't respond. KIM: Wanna hear what I think? TUVOK: No. KIM: I think there's a type-six protostar out there... and the Captain's planning to detonate it and open a wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. In theory, it's possible. And because she doesn't want to get our hopes up, she's not telling anybody. TUVOK: Don't get your hopes up. KIM: Then what do you think it is? TUVOK: I don't engage in idle speculation. KIM: Come on, Tuvok, aren't you curious? TUVOK: Yes... but we have a task at hand. (an order) The phase modulator. Kim hands him an instrument. As they work... CUT TO: 12 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) hanging in space. 13 INT. ASTROMETRICS LAB Janeway is working at a console. JANEWAY: Come in. Chakotay ENTERS, having been called. JANEWAY: Status report? CHAKOTAY: Everything's going according to schedule. JANEWAY: Good. The Omega Directive doesn't allow me to say much... but I want you to know what to expect. (beat) At oh-six-hundred hours, I'll be leaving in a shuttle with Seven of Nine. CHAKOTAY: Would it be out of line to ask where you're going? Janeway pauses - she'd like to tell him but she can't. JANEWAY: I can tell you this: One of two things is going to happen... either Seven and I will succeed on our mission, and return within a few days... or your long-range sensors will detect a large explosion in subspace. If that occurs, you'll have less than ten seconds to jump to warp, and get the hell out of here. Head for the Alpha Quadrant and don't look back. (beat) Understood? Chakotay doesn't like the sound of this... and this entire situation is starting to get under his skin. CHAKOTAY: I always thought Starfleet was run by duty-crazed bureaucrats... but I find it hard to believe that even they would order a Captain to go on a suicide mission. (beat) This shuttle excursion is your idea, isn't it? JANEWAY: Let's just say I've had to... amend the Directive, given the circumstances. (beat) You have your orders.... I expect you to follow them. CHAKOTAY: That's expecting a lot. You're asking me to abandon my Captain, and closest friend, without even telling me why. JANEWAY: If it were a simple matter of trust, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you. But we've encountered situations where information was taken from us by force. I can't allow knowledge of Omega to go beyond Voyager. CHAKOTAY: That's a reasonable argument... but you're not always a reasonable woman. (off her look) You're determined to protect this crew... and this time you've taken it too far. A dangerous mission? Fine, I'll acknowledge that... but isn't it more likely to succeed with everyone behind you, working together? His words have an impact - they strike to the heart of Janeway's dilemma. JANEWAY: Ordinarily, I'd agree. But this Directive was issued many years ago, and Starfleet didn't exactly have our predicament in mind... lost in the Delta Quadrant, with no backup. I can't ignore the orders... but I won't ask the crew to risk their lives because of my obligation. CHAKOTAY: "My obligation." That's where you're wrong. Voyager may be alone out here, but you're not. (emphatic) Let us help you. We'll keep classified information limited to the Senior Staff... we'll take every security precaution... just don't try to do this alone. Janeway stares at him for a long beat... then: JANEWAY: Assemble the troops. Chakotay nods. There's a warm beat between them, then he turns to go... CUT TO: 14 INT. BRIEFING ROOM (OPTICAL) Janeway is on her feet, facing Chakotay, Tuvok, Torres, Kim, Paris, the Doctor and Seven of Nine. The mood is tense, filled with anticipation. JANEWAY: If we were in the Alpha Quadrant right now, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Id be in contact with Starfleet Command, and they'd send in a specialized team to deal with the crisis. In their absence, we'll have to make do with the training I received, and the knowledge Seven of Nine has retained from the Borg. Janeway moves to the wall MONITOR, taps a control. The OMEGA SYMBOL seen earlier appears. JANEWAY: (continuing) You've all seen this symbol. Omega. The last letter of the Greek alphabet... chosen by Starfleet to represent a threat not only to the Federation, but to the entire galaxy. Only Starship Captains and Federation Flag Officers have been briefed on the nature of this threat. (beat) What you're about to hear doesn't go beyond these bulkheads... is that clear? Nods all around. Janeway taps a few controls and the monitor CHANGES to show a GRAPHIC of the OMEGA MOLECULE, spinning and pulsating. JANEWAY: (re: graphic) This is Omega. PARIS: A molecule? JANEWAY: Not just any molecule... the most powerful substance known to exist. A single Omega molecule contains as much energy as a warp core. In theory, a small chain of them could sustain a civilization. The crew takes this in. JANEWAY: (continuing) The molecule was first synthesized over a hundred years ago, by a Starfleet physicist named Ketteract. He was hoping to develop an inexhaustible power source. SEVEN OF NINE: Or a weapon. Janeway throws her a look, but doesn't argue the point. JANEWAY: Ketteract managed to synthesize a single molecule particle of Omega... but it only existed for a fraction of a second before it destabilized. She works a control, and the monitor CHANGES to show a SPACE STATION viewed from a distance which has EXPLODED from within. The structure is barely holding together and is charred and smoking. TENDRILS of CRACKLING ENERGY emanate from the station. As Janeway speaks, the monitor shows three different views of the station. JANEWAY: This was a classified research station in the Lantaru Sector. Ketteract and one hundred twenty-six of the Federation's leading scientists were lost in the accident. (beat) Rescue teams who tried to reach the site discovered an unexpected, secondary effect. There were subspace ruptures extending out several light years. PARIS: (recalling) The Lantaru Sector... it's impossible to form a stable warp field there. You can only fly through it at sublight speeds. (beat) But I was always told that was a natural phenomenon. You're saying it was caused by a single molecule of this stuff? JANEWAY: (acknowledges) Omega destroys subspace. A chain reaction involving a handful of molecules could devastate subspace throughout an entire Quadrant. If that were to happen, warp travel would become impossible. Space- faring civilization as we know it would cease to exist. (beat) Once Starfleet realized Omega's power, they suppressed all knowledge of it. DOCTOR: Have you detected Omega here... in the Delta Quadrant? JANEWAY: I'm afraid so. (beat) I'm authorized to use any means necessary to destroy it. A beat as everyone absorbs this. JANEWAY: (to Paris) Tom... I've calculated the location of the molecules. I'll transfer the coordinates to the helm. Take us there at full impulse. PARIS: Aye, Captain. She surveys her officers for a moment. JANEWAY: I don't have to tell you what's at stake. If a large-scale Omega explosion occurs... we'll lose the ability to go to warp... forever. (beat) We've got our work cut out for us. Everyone EXITS. Off Janeway's face.. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: 15 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) at impulse. JANEWAY (V.O.): Computer- encrypt log entry. (a beep) Captain's Log, Supplemental. We're approaching the star system where we believe we'll find Omega. I have to admit, I've never been this apprehensive about a mission... 15A INT. CORRIDOR Janeway is walking along, carrying a PADD, lost in thought. FOUR STARFLEET N.D.s are moving about, carrying equipment, etc. JANEWAY (V.O.): (continuing) I know how Einstein must've felt about the atom bomb... or Marcus when she developed the genesis device. They watched helplessly as science took a destructive course... CUT TO: 16 INT. CARGO BAY (VPB) Janeway ENTERS, carrying the PADD, glances around, looking for someone. JANEWAY (V.O.): (continuing) But I have the chance to prevent that from happening. I just hope it's not too late. As the log ends, Janeway walks up to Seven of Nine, who is working at a portable console. JANEWAY: Status report? Seven indicates a monitor... 16A INCLUDE THE MONITOR (VPB) which shows a GRAPHIC of a large STEEL CHAMBER- cylindrical, high-tech, with two Plexiglass WINDOWS. SEVEN OF NINE: This is a harmonic resonance chamber. The Borg designed it to contain and stabilize Omega. JANEWAY: I thought I asked you to work on the photon torpedo... SEVEN OF NINE: The torpedo may be insufficient... (re: graphic) I can modify this chamber to emit an inverse frequency. It will be enough to dissolve Omega's interatomic bonds. JANEWAY: Here's to Borg ingenuity. (beat) Excellent work, Seven. We may need this. SEVEN OF NINE: The modification requires several complex calculations. Assist me. JANEWAY: (lightly) I guess I will. They start working the console. Janeway glances at her. JANEWAY: I'm curious... when did the Borg discover Omega? SEVEN OF NINE: Two hundred, twenty-nine years ago. JANEWAY: Assimilation? SEVEN OF NINE: Yes of thirteen different species. JANEWAY: Thirteen? SEVEN OF NINE: It began with Species Two-Six-Two. They were primitive, but their oral history referred to a powerful substance which could "burn the sky." (beat) The Borg were intrigued... which led them to Species Two-Six-Three. They, too, were primitive.. and believed it was a drop of blood from their Creator. JANEWAY: Fascinating... SEVEN OF NINE: Irrelevant. We followed this trail of myth for many years... until finally assimilating a species with useful scientific data. We then created the molecule ourselves. Janeway takes this in, working... JANEWAY: Omega caused quite a stir among our own "species." Federation cosmologists had a theory... that the molecule once existed in nature... for an infinitesimal amount of time... at the moment of the Big Bang. Some claimed Omega was the primal source of energy for the explosion that began our universe. Seven isn't impressed. SEVEN OF NINE: A creation myth, like any other. Your culture attempts to explain what it doesn't understand in the context of its own belief system... as all limited species do. Janeway raises a brow. JANEWAY: Perhaps. (pointed) What is it the Borg say... that Omega is "perfect"? SEVEN OF NINE: Yes. JANEWAY: Is that a theory... or a belief? Seven pauses for a moment - she never thought of it that way. Before she can respond... CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Bridge to Captain. JANEWAY: (to com) Go ahead. CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: We're approaching the coordinates. Janeway and Seven exchange a look. JANEWAY: (to com) On my way. She turns to Seven, indicates the monitor. JANEWAY: I'm leaving this project in your hands. Use whatever resources and personnel you need. SEVEN OF NINE: Understood. Janeway heads for the door. As Seven turns back to the monitor, thoughtful... CUT TO: 17 INT. BRIDGE Janeway ENTERS from the Turbolift. Chakotay, Tuvok, Paris and Kim, N.D.s at their stations. CHAKOTAY: (to Janeway) We've entered a planetary system. JANEWAY: Inhabited? CHAKOTAY: There's a pre-warp civilization on the outermost planet. The source of Omega seems to be further in. PARIS: The damage to subspace in this region is extreme. We won't be able to go to warp. The ship TREMBLES. TUVOK: (off console) We're encountering distortions... JANEWAY: Track their origin. Tuvok works. TUVOK: An M-class moon. we're in visual range. JANEWAY: On screen. 18 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) It shows a craggy MOON. Immense TENDRILS of CRACKLING ENERGY obscure part of the lunar surface - the same energy seen in the Lantaru disaster on the Briefing Room monitor. TUVOK: (off console) There's a subnucleonic reaction occurring in the upper atmosphere. It looks like it's emanating from a structure on the moon's surface. JANEWAY: (to Kim) Can your sensors penetrate the atmosphere? KIM: Stand by... Kim works for a moment. The image on the Viewscreen CHANGES to show the burned-out WRECKAGE of an ALIEN OVTPOST on the lunar surface. It's reminiscent of the charred space station we saw before, but this disaster is clearly on a much larger scale. JANEWAY: My God. KIM: (off console) Over three hundred thousand square kilometers... destroyed. JANEWAY: Scan the structure. Are there any Omega molecules remaining? TUVOK: (works) I can't tell. Several sections of the outpost are still shielded. Kim reacts to a console reading, surprised. KIM: I'm detecting lifesigns. CHAKOTAY: How many? KIM: A few dozen maybe. it's hard to get a clear reading. JANEWAY: Can we transport to the surface? KIM: I can get you there... but conditions in the structure aren't good. There are high levels of radiation. Janeway turns to Tuvok. JANEWAY: Assemble a rescue team and have them report to Sickbay for arithrazine inoculations. Tell the Doctor to prepare for casualties. Tuvok nods and EXITS. Janeway turns to Paris. JANEWAY: Move Voyager into a high orbit, then join the Away Team. We'll need a field medic. PARIS: Yes, Ma'am. He works the helm. Chakotay turns to Janeway, concerned. CHAKOTAY: You're going with them? JANEWAY: If Omega's still down there, I have to find it. I'll keep an open comlink with the ship. (beat) You have the Bridge. As Janeway EXITS to the Turbolift... CUT TO: 19 INT. ALIEN OUTPOST (OPTICAL) Janeway, Tuvok and TWO STARFLEET N.D.s MATERIALIZE in the ruins of an alien research facility. The WALLS and remains of the lab equipment are BLACKENED and TWISTED from extreme heat. There are three ALIEN BODIES visible among the wreckage. The N.D.s scan quickly, and find an ALIEN (ALLOS) who is still alive. A second ALIEN SURVIVOR lies next to him. The N.D.s move to the wounded man, and begin treating him. Tuvok and Janeway use their own tricorders to scan the room. JANEWAY: (off tricorder) I'm picking up Omega's resonance frequency. It's here... but I can't pinpoint a location. Janeway moves to Allos, who is being treated by the N.D.s. JANEWAY: I need to ask you about the experiments you've been conducting here. Allos looks up at her, groggy, badly burned. ALLOS: There was... an accident. We lost containment... JANEWAY: (nods) The substance you were trying to create... did any of it survive the explosion? ALLOS: Yes... JANEWAY: Where? He turns his head, painfully, indicating a direction. Janeway looks up to see- 20 A BLAST DOOR Heavy steel, with alien markings resembling bio-hazard symbols. She nods to Tuvok, who moves to examine the door. ALLOS: (re: blast door) Inside the primary test chamber. (beat) Who are you...? JANEWAY: Captain Janeway of the Starship Voyager. We're here to help. She stands. JANEWAY: (taps combadge) Away Team to Voyager... two to beam directly to Sickbay. Janeway moves to join Tuvok at the blast door... as we HEAR the two wounded aliens DEMATERIALIZE. TUVOK: This door is solid duritanium, thirty centimeters thick. JANEWAY: Can we get it open? TUVOK: The duritanium has melted into the door frame. We'll need to cut through the metal with phasers. JANEWAY: Do it. Tuvok nods, but he's curious about something. TUVOK: Captain... I would be negligent if I didn't point out that we are about to violate the Prime Directive. JANEWAY: For the duration of this mission, the Prime Directive has been rescinded. (grim) Let's get this over with. Tuvok moves off. Janeway contemplates the steel door, still unsettled about what she might find behind it... CUT TO: 21 INT. CARGO BAY The room is bustling with activity, but it's very organized, each person performing a single task. Seven of Nine supervises Kim, NEELIX and SIX N.D. s as they work around the nearly completed HARMONIC CHAMBER, a tall, cylindrical tank with transparent sides, sitting in the middle of the room. Kim is methodically plugging isolinear chips into a series of small slots, part of the chamber. He gets them all arranged properly, and sets the processor aside. Just as he does, Neelix approaches, with another load of isolinear chips, and sets them down beside Kim. Seven of Nine stops a passing N.D. SEVEN OF NINE: (to N.D.) Crewman Dell. The N.D. stops. SEVEN OF NINE: I'm assigning you a task more suited to your abilities. Calibrate the ionic-pressure seals on the observation ports. (beat) Your new designation is Three of Ten. The N.D. nods and walks off. 21A ON KIM who is methodically plugging isolinear chips into a small series of slots, part of the chamber. After a beat, Neelix walks up holding another tray of isolinear chips. NEELIX: I've got more isolinear processors for you to install. KIM: Thanks, but I need to get the power relays on-line first. Kim stands. NEELIX: Um... are you sure that's a good idea? Ensign Wildman was assigned to that. KIM: This is ridiculous. I'm not going to waste time just because Seven wants to turn this team into her own, private Collective. NEELIX: She says it's more efficient... KIM: Maybe for a bunch of Drones. Kim moves to a nearby console, starts working it. Seven of Nine walks up to him. SEVEN OF NINE: (to Kim) Six of Ten... that's not your assignment. KIM: Please stop calling me that. SEVEN OF NINE: You're compromising our productivity. Kim ignores her, keeps working. Seven takes a firm hand. SEVEN OF NINE: I'm reassigning you to chamber maintenance. Your new designation is Two of Ten. KIM: Wait a minute. You're demoting me? Since when do the Borg pull rank? SEVEN OF NINE: A Starfleet protocol I adapted. It's most useful. Kim looks at her... can't help but smile at this. KIM: (lightly) I'm glad you're not the Captain. Chakotay is just ENTERING the Cargo Bay, looking around at the work in progress. He approaches Seven. CHAKOTAY: How's it coming? SEVEN OF NINE: The crew can be efficient when properly organized. The harmonic chamber will be completed within the hour. CHAKOTAY: Good. I'll let the Captain know. SEVEN OF NINE: Has she retrieved any data from the surface? CHAKOTAY: Not yet. They're still trying to access the primary test chamber. SEVEN OF NINE: Are there survivors? CHAKOTAY: (acknowledges) A few. The Doctor's treating them in Sickbay. Seven of Nine reacts to this piece of news. Chakotay heads toward the door. Kim catches up to him. KIM: Commander... (off his look) Seven's taking this "hive mentality" just a little too far. Designated functions, numbered Drones... I wouldn't be surprised if she started plugging us into alcoves. But Chakotay looks more amused than anything. CHAKOTAY: When in the Collective, Harry... adapt. He EXITS, leaving Harry far from reassured... CUT TO: 22 INT. SICKBAY Seven of Nine ENTERS, glances around the room - all four bio-beds are occupied by wounded aliens. The Doctor glances over from where he is preparing a hypospray. SEVEN OF NINE: (re: aliens) Which of them is the senior researcher? Doctor indicates Allos, who is groggy but recovering. DOCTOR: This gentleman. Why do you ask? SEVEN OF NINE: He has knowledge I require. DOCTOR: He also happens to be barely conscious. Come back in an hour. SEVEN OF NINE: Unacceptable. DOCTOR: Unavoidable. This is my Sickbay. The man needs to recover. SEVEN OF NINE: The Captain left me in charge of our efforts on Voyager. I would be negligent to ignore a source of new information. She moves for the bio-bed, but the Doctor steps in her way. A brief face-off between them... then the Doctor frowns, sees she won't take no for an answer. He turns to Allos. DOCTOR: How are you feeling, Sir? ALLOS: (halting) Better, thank you. DOCTOR: Are you comfortable enough to speak to this individual? Allos glances at Seven... nods. DOCTOR: (to Seven) Keep it brief. He heads back to where he was working. Seven of Nine considers the alien scientist. SEVEN OF NINE: How many of the molecules were you able to synthesize? ALLOS: Two hundred million...? I'm not certain... SEVEN OF NINE: What is the iso-frequency of your containment field? ALLOS: One point six eight terrahertz. We used the molecules' own resonance to calculate the field. Seven reacts, intrigued. SEVEN OF NINE: That should've been enough to stabilize them. ALLOS: Obviously, it wasn't. SEVEN OF NINE: Obviously. But your approach is innovative... perhaps I can adapt your technique, and improve upon it. (beat) You will assist me. Allos nods, struggles to sit up. ALLOS: Our equipment was destroyed. If you can transfer the molecules to your ship... maybe they can be saved. SEVEN OF NINE: I have no intention of "saving" them. Allos reacts. ALLOS: What? SEVEN OF NINE: My orders are to destroy the Omega molecules. Allos is aghast. ALLOS: This... this is my life's work... the salvation of my people! SEVEN OF NINE: Will you assist me, or not? Allos' voice rises with desperation and anger. ALLOS: Our resources are nearly gone... the future of my people depends on this discovery! SEVEN OF NINE: Then your answer is no. ALLOS: Small-minded creatures! You destroy whatever you don't understand! Seven reacts to this - the scientist has echoed the Borg's own philosophy about this situation. ALLOS: (continuing, pointed) Rescue ships are on the way. They won't let you do it! The Doctor arrives - having heard the shouting. DOCTOR: Please... try to be calm. Seven, you'll have to leave. Seven turns to go-but Allos grabs her arm, staring into her eyes. ALLOS: You don't realize what you're doing... you don't know what this is... what this means... The Doctor eases the man's hand away from Seven. SEVEN OF NINE: On the contrary. I understand, perfectly. She turns and leaves. FOLLOW and stay on her face-clearly disturbed by this confrontation... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: 23 - 24 OMITTED 24A EXT. LUNAR SURFACE - ALIEN OUTPOST (OPTICAL) The wreckage of the outpost, as seen earlier. Tendrils of energy crackle around - a scene of destruction. (NOTE: This shot is a recycle of the Viewscreen shot used in Scene 18.) 25 INT. ALIEN OUTPOST (OPTICAL) Tuvok and a Starfleet N.D. are standing at the steel blast doors, carefully CUTTING through the metal with THIN PHASER BEAMS - intricate work. After a beat, we hear a series of electro-mechanical CLACKS. Tuvok nods to the N.D. and they stop firing. TUVOK: (to Janeway) We've disabled the locking mechanism. Janeway moves to him. We can now see that the damaged room has been cleared of wounded and dead aliens. JANEWAY: Narrow your phaser beams to cut through the inner seal... TUVOK: Inadvisable. We'd risk penetrating the containment field. JANEWAY: Then we'll have to use some elbow grease. Give me a hand. Janeway moves to the blast doors and grabs hold of an outcropping. Tuvok and the N.D. holster their phasers and grab onto the doors. A beat, then Janeway nods and they all PULL. The doors resist... scraping... metal groaning... then finally they OPEN all the way. A deep blue, FLUORESCENT GLOW spills out from beyond. Otherworldly. 25A NEW ANGLE - THE CONTAINMENT CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Beyond a thick pane of GLASS, we get our first look at OMEGA. Deep blue ENERGY with tiny particles streaming about, small pockets of light that burst and then vanish. And there's a SOUND - a deep, electro- magnetic HUMMING that is weirdly reminiscent of human voices. Omega seems almost alive. They stare at it for a moment, then Janeway scans it with her tricorder. JANEWAY: (re: Omega) There's enough here to wipe out subspace across half the Quadrant. TUVOK: I'll order the Away Teams back to Voyager... and target this facility with the gravimetric charge. JANEWAY: It won't be enough. We'll have to go with our Borg option. (turns to N.D.) Return to the ship... tell Chakotay to help Seven complete the harmonic chamber. The N.D. moves off. JANEWAY: (thinks) We'll have to transport Omega directly to the ship. That means finding a way to shut down this containment field. She nods toward a control panel by the doors. The two of them move to the panel and start working at it. As the blue glow plays on their faces... TUVOK: It's unfortunate we can't study this phenomenon in more detail. We may not have the opportunity again. JANEWAY: Let's hope we never do. TUVOK: A curious statement... from a woman of science. JANEWAY: I'm also a woman who occasionally knows when to quit. She glances into the glowing portal... JANEWAY: Take another look at your tricorder... Omega's too dangerous. I won't risk half the Quadrant to satisfy our curiosity. It's arrogant, and it's irresponsible. As she stares into Omega... JANEWAY: (continuing) The "Final Frontier" has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed... and we're looking at one. CUT TO. 25B ANGLE - SEVEN OF NINE SEVEN OF NINE: We don't need to destroy the molecules. I believe I've found a way to stabilize them. REVEAL we are in- 25C INT. CARGO BAY Seven is talking to Chakotay. They're standing by the large harmonic chamber seen earlier. SEVEN OF NINE: (explains) The alien in Sickbay calibrated his containment field using Omega's own resonance... an approach unknown to the Borg. I've modified the chamber to- Chakotay cuts her off, disturbed. CHAKOTAY: Those weren't your orders. The Captain wants Omega eliminated. SEVEN OF NINE: That's still an option - if she insists on yielding to her fear. Chakotay eyes her for a beat... CHAKOTAY: Show me what you've done. Seven moves to a console, keys in a command... 25D INCLUDE THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) which displays several OMEGA MOLECULES in graphic form, moving chaotically. SEVEN OF NINE: This simulation shows the molecules in their free state-highly unstable. (re: harmonic chamber) I've modified the chamber to emit a harmonic waveform that will dampen the molecules. She keys in a command - the OMEGA MOLECULES gradually start to SLOW DOWN... finally reaching a point where they are all VIBRATING in SYNCH. CHAKOTAY: Looks great in theory... but this is only a simulation... how are you going to test it? SEVEN OF NINE: On Omega. CHAKOTAY: Bad idea. One mistake, and none of us will be around for a second try. SEVEN OF NINE: It will work. He looks at her, sees how adamant she is. CHAKOTAY: Someday, maybe. Hang on to your research... (beat) For now, we stick to the plan. Stand by to transport the molecules into this chamber... and neutralize them, as ordered. But Seven won't let this go - her quest for Omega borders on obsession. SEVEN OF NINE: I've been a member of this crew for nine months... in all of that time, I've never made a personal request. I'm making one now. Allow me to proceed. (beat) Please. Chakotay is taken aback by the emotional appeal. CHAKOTAY: Why is this so important to you? Seven struggles with this... not quite sure how to convey her thoughts. SEVEN OF NINE: Particle zero-one-zero. The Borg designation for what you call Omega. Every Drone is aware of its existence... we were instructed to assimilate it at all costs. Seven stares at the display of Omega molecules. SEVEN OF NINE: (continuing) It is... perfection. The molecules exist in a flawless state... infinite parts functioning as one. CHAKOTAY: Like the Borg... SEVEN OF NINE: Precisely. (beat) I am no longer Borg... but I still need to understand that perfection. Without it, my existence will never be complete. Chakotay looks doubtful. She moves to him, tries to make him understand. SEVEN OF NINE: (pointed) Commander... you are a spiritual man. CHAKOTAY: That's right. SEVEN OF NINE: If you had the chance to see your God... your "Great Spirit"... what would you do? Chakotay is surprised by her analogy - and moved by it. CHAKOTAY: I'd pursue it... with all my heart... SEVEN OF NINE: Then you understand. CHAKOTAY: I think I do. (beat) I'll inform the Captain of your... discovery. For now, her orders stand. SEVEN OF NINE: (beat) Thank you. Chakotay nods... heads for the door. OFF Seven's face... CUT TO: 25E EXT. LUNAR SURFACE - ALIEN OUTPOST (OPTICAL) As seen before (same shot). 25F INT. ALIEN OUTPOST A short time later. Janeway and Tuvok are setting TRANSPORT PATTERN ENHANCER RODS in place around the steel blast doors. Two N.D.s work in the b.g. Omega is offcamera, but GLOWS into the room from beyond the blast doors. JANEWAY: (re: enhancers) Set the confinement beam to its narrowest dispersion. TUVOK: Understood. JANEWAY: We'll target this facility with the gravimetric torpedo... if anything goes wrong during transport, that'll be our only hope. Suddenly: CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Bridge to Janeway. We've detected two ships on an intercept course. INTERCUT WITH: 26 INT. BRIDGE Chakotay in command. Paris, Kim and N.D.s at stations. CHAKOTAY: (continuing) They're not responding to hails. JANEWAY: How long until they get here? Chakotay looks to Paris. PARIS: Less than four minutes, Captain. JANEWAY: Standby to transport the molecules directly to the harmonic chamber. CHAKOTAY: Understood. Everything starts to happen fast as the different teams move into action. CHAKOTAY: (to com) Bridge to Cargo Bay. INTERCUT WITH: 27 INT. CARGO BAY Seven is checking the harmonic chamber. SEVEN OF NINE: (to com) Yes, Commander. CHAKOTAY: Get ready, Seven. We'll have to do this quickly. SEVEN OF NINE: That's not advisable. CHAKOTAY: We don't have a choice. The alien ships are on their way. She moves to the console and starts working quickly. SEVEN OF NINE: Then I recommend moving the ship within five thousand kilometers of the surface. 28 ON THE BRIDGE PARIS: That'll take us right into the atmosphere. With our shields down, we won't withstand the thermal reaction for more than a few seconds. CHAKOTAY: Then we'll only get one shot at this. Take us in. Paris acknowledges, and works the helm. PARIS: Aye, sir. CHAKOTAY: (to Kim) Transporter status. KIM: (off console) Targeting scanners are locked. CHAKOTAY: (to com) Captain? Are you ready? 29 IN THE ALIEN OUTPOST We see that Tuvok and the N.D. have set up pattern enhancers near the containment vessel. Janeway looks to Tuvok. TUVOK: Pattern enhancers are active. JANEWAY: (to com) Do it. 30 ON THE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Viewscreen is now filled with the crackling energy tendrils in the atmosphere. PARIS: We're eleven thousand kilometers from the surface... if we get much closer, we'll incinerate. 31 IN THE ALIEN OUTPOST Janeway is listening to this, concerned. KIM'S COM VOICE: We're losing structural integrity. PARIS' COM VOICE: Nine thousand kilometers... JANEWAY: (to com) We're close enough. Energize. 32 IN THE CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) As Seven of Nine reacts. CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Initiating transport. The harmonic chamber LIGHTS UP with power - the windows GLOW from within the DEEP BLUE color. Omega is inside the chamber! Seven of Nine moves to the chamber, checks a readout. SEVEN OF NINE: (off console, to com) The Omega molecules are stable. She looks into one of the portals... a blue glow on her face. SEVEN OF NINE: (to com) Transport was successful. 33 ON THE BRIDGE KIM: (as he works) I've got the Away Team in Transporter Room Two. CHAKOTAY: (to Paris) Get us out of here, maximum impulse. PARIS: (as he works) Already on it. CHAKOTAY: How far away are those ships? PARIS: (off console) Right on our tail. 34 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER AND ALIEN VESSELS (OPTICAL) Voyager speeds away from the alien moon at high impulse, with two ALIEN VESSELS in pursuit. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: 35 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER AND TWO ALIEN VESSELS (OPTICAL) Voyager flies through open space at maximum impulse, the two alien ships speeding after it. 36 INT. BRIDGE (VPB) Tuvok and Kim are at stations. Janeway and Chakotay are with Paris at the Conn, looking at a starchart. CHAKOTAY: We're heading into an area of open space... no indications of life or any kind of technology. We can carry out the procedure with no risk to anyone else. PARIS: Except those two ships behind us. JANEWAY: Can we stay ahead of them? PARIS: Not for long. CHAKOTAY: How soon can we clear the subspace ruptures and go to warp? PARIS: Ten, maybe fifteen minutes... But those ships will catch up to us before then. Janeway acknowledges, considering the situation. JANEWAY: We have one advantage. We've got Omega. They won't risk firing at us... at least not until they run out of options. That should give us a chance to neutralize the molecules. CHAKOTAY: Captain... we might have another problem. She gives him a look. JANEWAY: Seven of Nine? CHAKOTAY: (nods) She's convinced she can stabilize Omega. JANEWAY: I thought we'd settled that question. CHAKOTAY: While you were on the surface, she showed me a pretty convincing simulation of how it could be done. JANEWAY: I should have known she wouldn't just let this go. (beat) I'll be in Cargo Bay Two. She EXITS to the Turbolift. 37 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Seven of Nine is working at the harmonic chamber. OMEGA is GLOWING within the chamber, deep blue, crackling, with an otherworldly HUM. Janeway ENTERS, her voice urgent. JANEWAY: Seven... the procedure? SEVEN OF NINE: It's working. Eleven percent of the molecules have already been neutralized. Janeway looks relieved. JANEWAY: Let's see if we can speed up the process a little. SEVEN OF NINE: Did Chakotay tell you about my idea? JANEWAY: Yes. SEVEN OF NINE: Then you will allow me to stabilize the remaining molecules. JANEWAY: You know I can't do that... Janeway steps toward the chamber, but Seven stands in front of the controls. This is a subtle gesture, not threatening, but protective. She doesn't want to let Omega go. SEVEN OF NINE: Your Starfleet Directive is no longer relevant. I've found a way to control Omega. JANEWAY: I don't care if you can make it sing and dance... we're getting rid of it. SEVEN OF NINE: A foolish decision. JANEWAY: But it's mine to make. Now, step aside. Seven hesitates - the tension rises. SEVEN OF NINE: I could have done this without your permission.. but I chose to follow your command structure. I should've made the attempt... I still can. JANEWAY: But you won't... you know I'm not trying to stop you from finding "perfection." This strikes a chord with Seven. JANEWAY: (pressing) I can't risk the safety of this Quadrant. Omega must end here... we both know that. Seven considers, torn... and finally, she steps aside. Janeway moves to the chamber controls. As they start to work... JANEWAY: Status? SEVEN OF NINE: Eighteen percent. JANEWAY: This could take hours. (beat) Can you increase the harmonic resonance? SEVEN OF NINE: Yes... but it would rupture the chamber. JANEWAY: (thinks) How many molecules would we neutralize? SEVEN OF NINE: Forty... fifty percent at best. JANEWAY: That's good enough. Our torpedo can take care of the rest. (taps combadge) Janeway to Bridge. CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Chakotay here. JANEWAY: (to com) I want you to clear Deck Four, and put emergency forcefields around this section. Prepare to decompress Cargo Bay Two on my command. CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Understood. JANEWAY: (to com) Tuvok, load the gravimetric torpedo. Once we've jettisoned the chamber... fire. TUVOK'S COM VOICE: Aye, Captain. Janeway turns to Seven. JANEWAY: Harmonic resonance to maximum. They work. The chamber emits a high-pitched whine... blue LIGHT plays on their faces... 37A EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) As before. Voyager at high impulse, the two ALIEN SHIPS hot on our tail. 38 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. PARIS: (off console) Commander... they're closing on us... TUVOK: (off console) They're attempting to stop us with a tractor beam. CHAKOTAY: Adjust shields to compensate. Tuvok works. KIM: They're hailing us. CHAKOTAY: On screen. On the Viewscreen, we see an ALIEN CAPTAIN of the same race as the scientists in the research facility. ALIEN CAPTAIN: Disengage your engines and prepare to be boarded. CHAKOTAY: I can't do that. ALIEN CAPTAIN: You've stolen our technology... abducted our people. CHAKOTAY: Your people are safe. They're receiving medical care. I'll be glad to get them back to you when this is over. But we're keeping the molecules. ALIEN CAPTAIN: I won't allow this substance to fall into enemy hands. I'll destroy it first. TUVOK: (off console) They're charging weapons. CHAKOTAY: (to Captain, urgent) You'll destabilize the molecules - we'll both be destroyed! ALIEN CAPTAIN: Return our technology. Now. CHAKOTAY: I'm sorry. That's not possible. A beat, then the Viewscreen goes back to a starfield. 39 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER AND ALIEN VESSELS (OPTICAL) The alien vessels are a short distance behind Voyager. One of them FIRES an energy beam. It HITS Voyager. 40 INT. BRIDGE The ship SHAKES slightly. TUVOK: Direct hit. Shields down ten percent. CHAKOTAY: Evasive maneuvers - try to shake them off! Another HIT! Off the tension... 41 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Janeway and Seven of Nine working at the harmonic chamber... which is now sending out a loud whine of energy, unnerving. The BLUE LIGHT beyond the chamber window is GLOWING BRIGHTER, HOTTER. SEVEN OF NINE: (over the noise) Harmonic resonance is at maximum, Captain! JANEWAY: The molecules? SEVEN OF NINE: Eighty percent remaining. JANEWAY: We need to get that down to sixty. The ship SHAKES hard from alien phaser fire. They both hang on. SEVEN OF NINE: Any damage to our power grid could overload the chamber! Omega would chain react! JANEWAY: The same thought crossed my mind! Another SHAKE! JANEWAY: Where are we now? SEVEN OF NINE: Seventy-two percent. JANEWAY: Close enough! (taps combadge) Bridge - start the decompression sequence! CHAKOTAY'S COM VOICE: Acknowledged. There's a sudden metallic wrenching SOUND from within the chamber. A BRIGHT BURST of BLUE LIGHT RADIATES from behind the portals. Seven checks a reading... reacts. JANEWAY: What's wrong? What's happening? SEVEN OF NINE: The molecules are stabilizing... JANEWAY: What? SEVEN OF NINE: I've done nothing. It's occurring spontaneously... JANEWAY: That's impossible. Seven moves to the portal, looks inside... light crackling on her face... COMPUTER VOICE: Decompression in fifteen seconds. 41A ON SEVEN OF NINE CAMERA PUSHING IN on her face... she's staring into the chamber... 41B THE PORTAL (OPTICAL) CAMERA PUSHING IN on the window. Inside the chamber, we can see the deep blue ENERGY and MATTER of OMEGA swirling chaotically... but it's starting to COALESCE... COMPUTER VOICE: Decompression in ten seconds. 41C ON SEVEN OF NINE watching with a look of wonder... 41D THE PORTAL (OPTICAL) CAMERA PUSHES BEYOND THE WINDOW, AND INTO OMEGA ITSELF. We are now IMMERSED in the deep blue... which suddenly CRYSTALIZES into a beautifully complex MATRIX. Multi-colored, sparkling, kaleidoscopic - a cross between a fractal pattern and a stained-glass window. Electrifying... and somehow perfect. 41E SEVEN OF NINE is transfixed. JANEWAY Seven - let's move! Seven hesitates - she can barely tear herself away from the sight. But Janeway grabs her by the arm and they RUSH toward the doors. COMPUTER VOICE: Decompression in five seconds. 42 INT. BRIDGE As before. CHAKOTAY: (to Paris) Tom, are we clear of the subspace ruptures? PARIS: Almost. CHAKOTAY: I need maximum warp in the next ten seconds or we'll be stuck at ground zero. Paris turns quickly back to the helm, hands flying over the controls. PARIS: Yes, sir. TUVOK: (working) Decompression is complete... targeting the harmonic chamber CHAKOTAY: Fire. 43 - 44 OMITTED 45 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER AND ALIEN VESSELS (OPTICAL) The small harmonic chamber has been jettisoned from Voyager. A photon torpedo HITS, and the chamber EXPLODES in a spectacular display sending energy tendrils in all directions, nearly lashing Voyager as it speeds away at warp. 46 INT. BRIDGE Paris leans back in his chair, relieved. PARIS: We made it. We're at warp one. Janeway and Seven ENTER from the Turbolift. JANEWAY: The alien ships? PARIS: Out of range. JANEWAY: Tuvok? TUVOK: (as he works) Sensors show no traces of Omega molecules. Janeway acknowledges, relieved and weary from the efforts of the past few days. JANEWAY: (quiet) Mission accomplished. She moves to take her place in the Captain's chair. Seven remains standing near the back of the Bridge, pensive, not sharing the same feeling of accomplishment. 47 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) as the ship flies along at impulse. JANEWAY: (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 51793.4. We've arranged for our guests in Sickbay to be taken back to their homeworld, and we can finally put this mission behind us. This will be my last encrypted log concerning the Omega Directive. The classified datafiles will now be destroyed. 48 OMITTED 49 ANGLE - A PLAIN, WOODEN CROSS hanging on a wall. Lit by candlelight. REVEAL we are in- 50 INT. HOLODECK - DA VINCI'S WORKSHOP - NIGHT Seven of Nine is staring at the cross, lost in thought, contemplating all that's happened. After a beat: JANEWAY'S VOICE: I wondered who was running my program. Seven turns to see Janeway, who's just entered. JANEWAY: (lightly) Master da Vinci doesn't like visitors after midnight. SEVEN OF NINE: He protested... I deactivated him. Janeway smiles a little... JANEWAY: What are you doing here, Seven? SEVEN OF NINE: This simulation contains many religious components. I am studying them... to help me understand what I saw in Cargo Bay Two. JANEWAY: The data isn't clear why Omega stabilized in those last few seconds... but chances are it was simply a chaotic anomaly... nothing more. Seven tries to put her adventure into words... SEVEN OF NINE: For three point two seconds, I saw perfection. (beat) When Omega stabilized, I felt a curious sensation. As I watched it... it seemed to be watching me. Seven glances up at the cross. SEVEN OF NINE: (continuing) The Borg have assimilated many cultures with mythologies that would explain such moments of clarity. I've always dismissed them as trivial. (beat) Perhaps I was wrong. Janeway takes this in, intrigued. JANEWAY: If I didn't know you better... I'd say you just had your first spiritual experience. 51 EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (STOCK - OPTICAL) at impulse. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END