One Quotes

Seven of Nine: "Describe the nature of your sexual relationship with Lieutenant Paris."
Torres: "Ok, that's it!"
Seven of Nine: "I believe I am overdue for my weekly medical maintenance. We should go."
The Doctor: "Seven, you've never volunteered for a check-up before."
Seven of Nine: "It is preferable to remaining here!"
Janeway: "We've come 15,000 light-years. We haven't been stopped by temporal anomalies, warp-core breaches or hostile aliens and I am damned if I'm going to be stopped by a nebula!"
Paris: "Why do they have to design these things like coffins?"
Kim: "Shall we replicate you a teddy bear?!"
The Doctor: “Leave it to Mr Paris to be just as much trouble now as when he's awake."
The Doctor: "If you had even the slightest sense of humour you'd realise I was making a small joke."
Seven of Nine: "Very small!"
The Doctor: “You've been getting more irritable and short-tempered with each passing day."
Seven of Nine: "So have you."
The Doctor: "That's only because I'm having to put up with you!”
The Doctor: "These tubes certainly weren't designed with creature comfort in mind. It seems to me the shipbuilders should've created a space in which one could walk upright."
Seven of Nine: "But they didn't and it doesn't help to complain about it now."
The Doctor: "I'll complain if I want to. It's comforting!"
The Doctor: "If the mobile emitter goes offline while I'm out of Sickbay my program may be irretrievable."
Seven of Nine: "Don't panic. It's counterproductive."
The Doctor: "That's easy for you to say, you're not facing cybernetic oblivion!"
‘Janeway’: "Come to watch them die?"
Seven of Nine: "Lieutenant Paris would not stay confined. On four separate occasions the Doctor and I had to put him back into his stasis unit."
Kim: "Were you um...locked in dark closets as a child or something?"
Paris: "I just don't like closed spaces. I never have. I…I don't know why."
Seven of Nine: "Perhaps you dislike being alone."