Episode Guest Characters

TREKCORE > VOY > EPISODES > DRIVE > Guest Characters

PLAYED BY: Patrick Kilpatrick

Assan was a ruthless fighter pilot from the Imhotep species of the Delta Quadrant who participated in the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in 2377 which the Delta Flyer II also participated. Very stern and unsociable, Assan regarded the rally not as a friendly race but as a battle. His tactics to ensure victory included "scraping," grazing the shields of competitors to damage their starships or send them off-course. Beyond that, though, Assan was not a party to acts of sabotage by extremists that nearly ruined the event as a symbol of the new peace. But those acts caused his two fiercest rivals, the Delta Flyer and a Terrellian ship, to drop out of the race, allowing him to easily cross the finish line in first place.

PLAYED BY: Chris Covics
SPECIES: Antarian Male

This assistant to O'Zaal contacted him while he was on USS Voyager. He told him that one of the species who took part in the race wanted to hold the post race party, even though it had been promised to another species. They would solve the problem by having the party on Voyager.

PLAYED BY: Cyia Batten
SPECIES: Terreellian Female

She became friendly with Tom Paris and Harry Kim when the Delta Flyer rescued her ship after an impromptu drag race. During the race, her co-pilot Joxom was electrocuted, and Harry became her new co-pilot. The two then begin to develop a relationship.

Irina was actually an isolationist and a terrorist who planned on detonating a bomb at the end of the race. She gave the Delta Flyer a faulty fuel converter, which was rigged to leak veridium isotopes near the warp core, leading to a breach. The bomb would have killed hundreds of spectators, and she hoped that this would disrupt the fragile peace in the area. Fortunately, Kim found out about the plot and warned Paris, who had time to eject the bomb into space.

PLAYED BY: Robert Tyler
SPECIES: Terreellian Male

Joxom was co-pilot to Irina in a Terrellian ship that was entered in the 2377 Antarian Trans-stellar Rally, a race between many species to commemorate their cooperation.

Joxom's ship was first encountered by the crew of the USS Voyager when his co-pilot, Irina, challenged Tom Paris in the Delta Flyer to a race.

Harry Kim was jealous of Joxom because he had an attraction to Irina. During the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally, which the Delta Flyer later entered, Joxom was injured when the ships console exploded. The Doctor was able to save him, however his injuries left him unable to compete in the race. Harry took his place, but found out that the explosion that injured Joxom was sabotage. Irina was attempting to cause cancellation of the race and break the peace of the region.

PLAYED BY: Brian George
SPECIES: Antarian Male

O'Zaal informed her that the race was a step towards peace for the four cultures that lived in the area. There had been war between them for years, and this would be the first time the cultures were at peace.

O'Zaal had the difficult task of juggling all the political considerations of each culture involved with the event, given that the peace among the four species was still fragile after nearly a century of war. He knew that each decision he made might offend one of the species. To settle a dispute about which culture would host the pre-game reception, he accepted Janeway's offer to host it aboard USS Voyager.

When he found out that there was a possibility of sabotage, he considered canceling the race. He decided to continue, refusing to cave into extremists. Paris, Kim, and Torres stopped the extremist named Irina, who had planted a bomb, and the race was successful and the peace held.