Meld Behind the Scenes

TREKCORE > VOY > EPISODES > MELD > Behind the Scenes

Brad Dourif, who plays Lon Suder in this episode and in the two-part story "Basics", is well-known in TV and film (as Piter De Vries in the film Dune (1984) and, after Voyager as Gríma Wormtongue in the last two films of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy (2002 and 2003)).
The Bolian species was named for director Cliff Bole, director of TNG's "Conspiracy", the first episode in which these blue-skinned aliens were seen. Voyager's most known Bolian crewmember is Chell.
A scene where Chakotay chastises Tuvok for being unaware of Paris' gambling operation was cut.