Episode Guest Characters


PLAYED BY: Susan Diol
SPECIES: Vidiian Female

Doctor Denara Pel was a Vidiian female hematologist who lived during the mid-24th century. The Doctor put her body into stasis and transferred her brain patterns into a holographic body to prevent the collapse of her mind, giving him time to come up with an alternative treatment to the phage in 2372.

PLAYED BY: Michael Spound
Kazon Male

Kazon-Nistrim sect member. Lorrum wanted Voyager crewman Michael Jonas to create an accident on Voyager that would damage the warp coil.

PLAYED BY: Raphael Sbarge
Human Male

Crewman onboard Voyager in 2372. Jonas continues to send information on Voyager to the Kazon in this episode. Lorrum wanted him to cause an accident on Voyager in an attempt to capture the vessel.

PLAYED BY: Martha Hackett
SPECIES: Cardassian Female

Jonas requested to speak to Seska to allay some of his fears regarding sabotaging the U.S.S. Voyager. Seska was serving under Kazon-Nistrim Maje Jal Culluh in 2372.