Doc Overboard / Exploding Kazon



Dan Curry: "To get the Doctor in space we shot him on a hanging rig which is something that looks like football pants with little pins at the hips so that you're kind of balanced at your center of gravity so that you balance well. So we shot Bob against a blue screen and then composited him into the space scene. And we shot him wide enough that we could move around. That sequence was very carefully storyboarded so that we knew exactly what shots we needed. It also allowed us to budget accurately what we had to do."





Dan Curry: "The Kazon suicide bomber - the prop department made a prop toe nail that he was able to remove with a little dab of that same Methocel that I think fast food companies use to thicken milk shakes. So it had this disgusting slime when he took the toe nail off. And as he went up and expanded we shot him against blue screen, so that we have him isolated from the background, and used some of the built-in effects capabilities in the composition box, and were able to make it look like he was expanding and about to explode."



  From Janet's Star Trek Voyager Website