
As Seven of Nine becomes increasingly
human when the Doctor removes her Borg implants, Kes begins
to evolve into a higher state of being and becomes a threat
to the ship. Janeway attempts to help both women
reintegrate, but ultimately must put Seven in the brig and
allow Kes to leave the ship forever. |
The Gift |
VOY Season 4, Episode 2
Joe Menosky
Anson Williams
First Aired Sep 10, 1997
Stardate 51008 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 4 Episodes: Scorpion, Part II, The Gift, Day of Honor, Nemesis, Revulsion, The Raven, Scientific Method, Year of Hell, Year of Hell, Part II, Random Thoughts, Concerning Flight, Mortal Coil, Waking Moments, Message in a Bottle, Hunters, Prey, Retrospect, The Killing Game, The Killing Game, Part II, Vis à Vis, The Omega Directive, Unforgettable, Living Witness, Demon, One, Hope and Fear
