
Neelix dies in a shuttle accident but is
revived by Seven of Nine, who uses her nanoprobes to restore
his vital signs. But he finds his faith in the afterlife
shaken by the experience, and becomes despondent. |
Mortal Coil |
VOY Season 4, Episode 12
Bryan Fuller
Allan Kroeker
First Aired Dec 17, 1997
Stardate 51449.2 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 4 Episodes: Scorpion, Part II, The Gift, Day of Honor, Nemesis, Revulsion, The Raven, Scientific Method, Year of Hell, Year of Hell, Part II, Random Thoughts, Concerning Flight, Mortal Coil, Waking Moments, Message in a Bottle, Hunters, Prey, Retrospect, The Killing Game, The Killing Game, Part II, Vis à Vis, The Omega Directive, Unforgettable, Living Witness, Demon, One, Hope and Fear
