
An alien takes over Tom Paris' body, gets
him drunk, behaves rudely towards B'Elanna, and makes him
waste even more time on the holodeck than usual. When the
crew gets suspicious, he takes over Janeway's body instead. |
Vis à Vis |
VOY Season 4, Episode 20
Robert J Doherty
Jesús Salvador Treviño
First Aired Apr 8, 1998
Stardate 51762.4 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 4 Episodes: Scorpion, Part II, The Gift, Day of Honor, Nemesis, Revulsion, The Raven, Scientific Method, Year of Hell, Year of Hell, Part II, Random Thoughts, Concerning Flight, Mortal Coil, Waking Moments, Message in a Bottle, Hunters, Prey, Retrospect, The Killing Game, The Killing Game, Part II, Vis à Vis, The Omega Directive, Unforgettable, Living Witness, Demon, One, Hope and Fear
