Episode Guest Characters


PLAYED BY: Jay M. Leggett
SPECIES: Hierarchy male

Phlox was a member of the Hierarchy. While engaging in a reconnaissance mission, Phlox detected the USS Voyager, but instead of interfacing with its sensors, he interfaced with The Doctor instead. At the time, The Doctor was experiencing daydreams, which made Phlox believe that the exaggerated things The Doctor was thinking of were real.

When data of the events were transferred to the Hierarchy, an attack was planned. When Phlox realized that what he saw were daydreams, he was afraid to tell his superiors because they didn't tolerate mistakes and he was afraid he would be punished. Phlox felt that he had gotten to know The Doctor, and he warned Voyager of the alien attack. Due to this action, The Doctor was able to stop the attack and prevent Phlox from being punished for his mistakes.

PLAYED BY: Googy Gress
SPECIES: Hierarchy male

The Overlooker was Phlox's superior who he reported to concerning his reconnaissance mission of the USS Voyager. When data of the events were transfered to the Overlooker, he requested and received permission from the Hierarchy to launch an attack. He told Phlox he wanted no mistakes. When Phlox realized that what he saw were daydreams, he feared that the Overlooker would punish him. He tried to convince the Overlooker to change his mind about the attack, but the Overlooker told him that if the information was not correct, he would inform the Hierarchy.

Phlox contacted The Doctor and warned him of the impending attack. The Doctor and Phlox were able to convince the Overlooker to call off the attack due to the fact that Voyager had a photonic cannon that had destroyed the Borg. This was a fake weapon and used as a ruse.

PLAYED BY: Robert Greenberg
SPECIES: Hierarchy male
He was second in command to Phlox during a reconnaissance mission to find ships that were easy targets for boarding to steal technology. Devro and Phlox mistakenly interfaced with The Doctor's matrix and believed what they were seeing was reality. In fact, what Devro was seeing was The Doctor's daydreams.

When Phlox presented his findings to The Overlooker, Devro warned Phlox that he was too confrontation, and that the Overlooker might report him.

When Phlox found out that his information was wrong and were daydreams of The Doctor, he confined this to Devro.