
Barclay gets over-involved with holographic recreations of the Voyager crew in his attempts to contact them. |
Pathfinder |
VOY Season 6, Episode 10
David Zabel
Mike Vejar
First Aired Dec 1, 1999
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 6 Episodes: Equinox, Part II, Survival Instinct, Barge of the Dead, Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy, Alice, Riddles, Dragon's Teeth, One Small Step..., The Voyager Conspiracy, Pathfinder, Fair Haven, Blink of an Eye, Virtuoso, Memorial, Tsunkatse, Collective, Spirit Folk, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Good Shepherd, Live Fast and Prosper, Muse, Fury, Life Line, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Unimatrix Zero
