
A dead crewmember with whom Harry Kim was
once in love returns in a body reanimated by aliens. However
Lindsay Ballard must face a difficult decision when her
alien family returns to claim her. |
Ashes to Ashes |
VOY Season 6, Episode 18
Robert Doherty
Ronald Wilkerson
Terry Windell
First Aired Mar 1, 2000
Stardate 53679.4 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 6 Episodes: Equinox, Part II, Survival Instinct, Barge of the Dead, Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy, Alice, Riddles, Dragon's Teeth, One Small Step..., The Voyager Conspiracy, Pathfinder, Fair Haven, Blink of an Eye, Virtuoso, Memorial, Tsunkatse, Collective, Spirit Folk, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Good Shepherd, Live Fast and Prosper, Muse, Fury, Life Line, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Unimatrix Zero
