"We are demons and we eat children....and I haven't had my
supper yet." |
Doctor: "Your brain is....not on file." |
Doctor: "It seems I've found myself on the voyage of
the damned." |
Doctor: "She's the healthiest member of her species
I've ever seen. The only member of her species I've ever
seen." |
"It would be a highly questionable decision in light of
the prime directive."
Chakotay: "If it were me, I would have tried to get
Tuvok: "The issue is whether Captain Janeway would
go there, not you Commander." |
"I've got a girl back home."
Paris: "So what? I got five." |
"If I understood correctly, this world is going to be
destroyed sometime tomorrow?" |
"Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. You really think she’s
going to wait for you?"
Kim: "I hope so."
Paris: "Let her go. Let her have a husband and kids
and a good life, while you and I have the Delaney
sisters." |
Janeway: "Don’t even think about it, Tom. The Prime
Directive is clear. We cannot allow our presence to alter
this planet’s natural course of events."
Paris: "Even if the natural course of events is
Janeway: "Yeah" |
"Under normal circumstances I’d say we should come back
tomorrow." |