While routinely exploring a new planet for foodstuffs, a
cloaked Kazon-Nistrim ship is detected in orbit. Therefore,
the Away Team is recalled but Chakotay can't find Seska. He
locates her in a nearby cave, hiding from two Kazon. She had
been gathering mushrooms and wandered from the group.
Chakotay is hurt in the exchange of fire but Seska gets them
both beamed aboard safely.
Rejecting Neelix's choice of foods and recipes, Seska and
some other Maquis later break into the food reserves and
steal the mushrooms she found to make mushroom soup. She
privately brings a pot to the recuperating Chakotay, but the
romantic mood between the former Maquis lovers is broken
when Neelix reports the break-in. Chakotay angrily
reprimands everyone involved, including himself as an
accessory. Seska is stunned at his reaction and leaves,
teasing him that her eye is now on Kim.
Three days later, the U.S.S. Voyager gets a distress call
from a Kazon warship. It turns out to be the one they just
encountered, but with only one survivor amid devastation
that was caused by Federation technology. Someone on Voyager
had to have given them the technology.
Against orders, Seska beams aboard the Kazon warship to
retrieve the Federation equipment and is injured. In
Sickbay, a routine blood test reveals racial factors of
Cardassian origin, not Bajoran, but she explains a bone
marrow transplant from a Cardassian woman caused the change
during a childhood case of Orkett's Disease.
Another Kazon ship responds to the distress call, and
Janeway allows visitors for the ailing Kazon. But the Maje
and his aide kill him and an angry Janeway sends them back,
ignoring their claims to the damaged ship so it can be
checked further for clues. Seska and Carey are now suspects
in the espionage because the technology was sent from an
Engineering station they both had access to. B'Elanna Torres
retrieves the device from the wrecked vessel: a simple food
replicator that rejected a Kazon interface with disastrous
Chakotay and Tuvok set a trap to find the guilty Engineer —
finally revealed to be Seska. She is indeed a cosmetically
altered Cardassian who had rejected Janeway's nobility and
instead sought allies among the powerful Kazon with the gift
of technology. Before she can be arrested, though, Seska
beams herself aboard the departing Kazon ship.
Somewhat shaken by the turn of events, Chakotay ruefully
wonders aloud about his old Maquis crew: if Tuvok spied for
Starfleet and Seska was a Cardassian, was anyone aboard
working for him?