Cathexis Trivia

First appearance of Janeway's Gothic holonovel.
According to Tuvok, a Dark Nebula can be very dangerous.
Chakotay's medicine wheel is a talisman used by Chakotay's tribe. Chakotay once showed B'Elanna how to use the medicine wheel.
According to B'Elanna The Medicine wheel represents both the universe outside and the universe inside our minds. Chakotay's people believe each is a reflection of the other. When a person is sleeping, or on a vision quest, it's said that his soul is walking the wheel. But if he's in a coma or near death, it means that he's gotten lost. The stones are signposts to help point the way back.
We begin to see Kes's telepathic abilities start to grow.
There are ODN junctions in the helm control network.
This is the first time we see the Captain give the EMH all of the command codes for Voyager.
One of Janeway's command codes is "Janeway eight four one alpha six five.".
A magneton flash-scan might be enough to illuminate any anomalous energy coming from the ship.
The Doctor brought Chakotay back to consciousness by using three neural transceivers, two cortical stimulators and fifty gigaquads of computer memory.