An authentic Vulcan dish is
Plomeek soup. |
Developing a procedure to
stimulate cell division can can cause systemic mitosis,
and separate someone of dual parentage into their two
halves. |
Klingons genetic structure
has phage-resistant nucleotide sequences. |
When B'Elanna was a
child,She did everything she could to hide my forehead. |
B'Elanna grew up on a
colony on Kessick IV. |
Vidiians have the
technology to reconfigure a forcefield and make it appear
as a holographic projection. |
According to B'Elanna,
Klingon females are renowned in the Alpha Quadrant not
only for their physical prowess but for their voracious
sexual appetites as well. |
B'Elanna blames her Klingon
side for getting her kicked out of the academy. |
Using tissue from
B'Elanna's Klingon counterpart, the Doctor replicates the
Klingon DNA. Then over the course of several days, he
reintegrates that genetic material into B'Elanna's
cellular structure, and returned her to her normal self. |
B'Elanna admitted that she
needed her Klingon side to survive. |