
The man who invented the Metrion Cascade,
a deadly weapon which destroyed Neelix's home planet of
Rinax, comes aboard Voyager claiming to seek test subjects
for an innovative treatment for a disease caused by exposure
to the weapon. His real agenda is even more surprising: he
thinks he has found a way to recover all the victims of his
holocaust. |
Jetrel |
VOY Season 1, Episode 15
Jack Klein, Karen Klein
and Kenneth Biller
James Thornton and Scott Nimerfro
Kim Friedman
First Aired May 15, 1995
Stardate 48832.1 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 1 Episodes: Caretaker, Parallax, Time and Again, Phage, The Cloud, Eye of the Needle, Ex Post Facto, Emanations, Prime Factors, State of Flux, Heroes and Demons, Cathexis, Faces, Jetrel, Learning Curve
