Dreadnought Quotes

Chakotay: "I expect everyone to show up for meetings on time and properly dressed."
Paris: "Yes, sir!"
Torres: "Chakotay looked at me -- I didn't know him very well then-- and all he said in that damned soft voice of his was that I'd hurt him. That he thought he had earned my trust and loyalty."  
Paris: "I didn't like his attitude."
Torres: "Was he right about your reports?"
Paris: "We're in the Delta Quadrant. Nowhere near Starfleet...what difference...? Yeah, he was right. I'm the one whose been wrong. Wrong about a lot of things
Kellan: "Your reputation precedes you, Captain. We've been told that you've threatened many races since your arrival in this quadrant."
Dreadnought: "Although this vessel is Cardassian in design, it has been appropriated by the Maquis. Please stand down your weapons."
Janeway: "You stand down your weapons and I'll stand down mine."
Paris: "When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried."    
Torres: "So when I was just over there and you shut yourself off... you were lying to me?"
Dreadnought: "Acknowledged.
Kellan: "You would sacrifice yourselves to benefit a people you didn't even know two days ago?"
Janeway: "To save two million lives? That's not a hard decision.
Tuvok: "It is logical to have a second-in-command in case you are injured and unable to complete the mission, Captain. I request permission to remain."
Janeway: "Permission granted
Torres: "Who would have thought two years ago, after all those weeks we spent together, perfecting your program, that we'd end up out here, trying to kill each other."