Although he is Chakotay's first officer, for some reason Tuvok still wears the gold security uniform instead of the red command one. |
One of very few episodes in which The Doctor has a name (Van Gogh, and also Mozart at one jump), and the only one in which he has hair. |
During the shot where Kes is being born, when they have a close up of the baby, you can see the baby's ears are normal human ears and haven't been made to look Ocampan. The same is true during the shot of Kes' daughter's birth. |
In the future, Tom is a Lt. Commander, however the Doctor addresses him as simply "Lieutenant", when Lt. Cmdrs are usually abbreviated to "Commander". Then again this could be just another part of Tom and the Doctor's usual verbal sparring. |
During the first scene where Kes is explaining her situation to the crew in the observation lounge, The Doctor is there, but if you look at his left arm, he's not wearing his mobile emitter. However, in the second observation lounge scene, he is. |