Torres: "I never thought of you as
naive, Chakotay." |
Janeway: "Your designation, Seven
of Nine. It's a little cumbersome. Wouldn't you prefer
to be called by your given name, Annika?"
Seven of Nine: "I have been Seven of Nine for as
long as I can remember." |
Torres: "Tell me something. When you hear about
people like the Caatati, do you have any feelings of
Seven of Nine: "No."
Torres: "That's it? Just no?"
Seven of Nine: "What further answer do you
require?" |
Neelix: "I'm offering to be a
pressure valve."
Torres: "What?"
Neelix: "You may use me to blow off steam. When
you're angry, come see me. Call me names, insult me,
question my parentage." |
Torres: "Welcome to the worst day
of my life." |
Torres: "So much for opening a
transwarp conduit. I sent the Borg back to her alcove.
We won't be needing her in here any more." |
Torres: "I wonder what else can go
wrong today. If we get this core back, I'm going right
to bed and sleeping straight through till tomorrow. Get
this day over with."
Paris: "Well, look at it this way. How much worse
could it get? Having to dump the warp core has to be the
low point of any day." |
Torres: "I thought you were an
arrogant, self- absorbed pig."
Paris: "Flattery won't get you any more oxygen.
Do you think I've changed?"
Torres: "A lot. Now you're a stubborn domineering
pig." |
Seven of Nine: "I am not accustomed
to thinking that way. Borg do not consider giving
technology away, only assimilating it." |
Torres: "I'm gonna die without a
shred of honour, and for the first time in my life that
really bothers me." |