Year of Hell, Part I Quotes

Janeway: “Space, the great unknown. Only now we’re going to know it a little better.”
The Doctor: “Who would have thought that this eclectic group of Voyager’s could actually become a family. Starfleet, Maquis, Klingon, Talaxian, Hologram, Borg…even Mr Paris – Granted we’ve had our share of difficulties. One might say we’ve seen the best of times, and the worst of times.”
Krenim: “Reverse course, or be destroyed.”
Janeway: “With all due respect unless you’ve got something a little bigger in your torpedo tubes I’m not turning around.”
Janeway: “I don’t respond well to threats.”
Janeway: “This is turning into the week of hell!”
Obrist: “We should dismantle this weapon and rejoin our people.”
Annorax: “No. Not until every colony, every individual, every blade of grass is restored.”
Obrist: “You said yourself our task will never be complete.”
Janeway: “I’ll be in my Ready Room. You have the Bridge – what’s left of it.”
Janeway: “Is there something on your mind?”
Chakotay: “Yes, but you’re not going to like it.”
Janeway: “That’s never stopped you before.”
Paris: “I was inspired by an ancient steam ship – The Titanic.”
Janeway: “The Titanic? As I recall it sank!”
Paris: “Let’s just say I’ve made a few improvements.”
Janeway: “Quarters are close, nerves are frayed and I’m not sure what’s more difficult to maintain – Voyager’s systems or the crews’ morale?”
Neelix: “We’re just about done rebuilding the internal security sensors and we’re ready to program the audio signal. Do you want it to say ‘intruder alert’ or shall we try something a little more dramatic like ‘warning, intruder alert’ or ‘intruders among us, danger, danger, intruders among us’?”
Tuvok: “ ‘Intruder alert’ will suffice.”
Neelix: “Go with the classic, understood Sir.”
Tuvok: "And you believe you have difficulties!”
Janeway: “I promised myself that I would never give this order, that I would never break up this family. But asking you to stay, would be asking you to die.”

Janeway: “When we find each other again, and we will. We will find each other again. I expect all of you to be in one piece, with some interesting stories to tell.”