After Neelix chased the crewmen out of sickbay, you can see the tip of the boom mic dip down slightly.
If the substance duplicates DNA, as Janeway says, wouldn't it stand to reason that Harry and Tom should not have had clothing or shoes when they were found?
Maybe their clothing is cotton. If that is the case, there is still the problem that their combadges and ranking pips were also duplicated.
In order to save energy, lights are dimmed and the crew relocated to only the essential sections of the ship. Yet in the sickbay the Docter orders full lighting
and plays around with the equipment just to annoy his sleepover guests (Neelix & the gang). Come to think of it, even the holoemitters require excessive energy. Why is the EMH program online in the first place when no-one is injured?
Tuvok's ears are a distinctly different, larger style then in any previous or future episodes. They look almost like the evil-Tuvok's ears from the
preceding episode "Living Witness". is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Paramount, CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK images, trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. and/or Paramount Pictures. All original content (c) 2025 Trapezoid Media, LLC. - Terms & Conditions