> Behind the Scenes
The original pitch for this episode came from James
Swallow, who was given the opportunity to pitch for Star Trek:
Voyager after having submitted numerous unsuccessful story ideas
to Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager. |
The pitch that eventually became this episode had
the working title "Perchance to Dream" and primarily featured
The Doctor. It was jokingly compared, by staff writer Bryan
Fuller, to the horror film The Shining. Fuller was actually the person who bought the pitch.
He recalled, "Some responses
[to the plot idea] were 'Uhhh... Okay', until I said 'But! You
can do this....! We can have scenes with creepy corridors,
spooky hallucinations!'" Co-executive producer Brannon Braga was
another writing staffer who instantly recognized that the story
had potential. |
At the end of January 1998, James Swallow received
a telephone call from pre-production coordinator Lolita Fatjo,
who notified him of the purchase of one of his pitches. "Just
like that, the words I had been waiting to hear for years came
beaming across the world to me from California," Swallow
reminisced. "The dulcet tones of Lolita Fatjo [...] told me,
'Congratulations, Jim! We want to buy your story!' [....] I,
after almost a decade of dogged struggle, had finally achieved a
personal goal – to help create a little piece of the Star Trek
universe." Also, Swallow was the first British writer to sell a
story to Star Trek, a fact that Fatjo later informed him of.
Voyager's writing staff decided to do a different
take on the story and chose to alter the episode's protagonist
to Seven of Nine. Bryan Fuller related, "We saw how much more
interesting it would be to have somebody who was part of a
collective with millions of voices in her head every day, taken
down to abruptly having no voices in her head and surrounded by
a hundred-odd crewmen, and then to only be with one other
crewman, and then finally to be on her own. How frightening
would that be?" The writers additionally came up with the idea
of Seven having fearsome hallucinations due to her mental state
in such isolation.
change of lead character to being Seven had taken place by two
months after the pitch's conception. Another development that
occurred by the same time was that the submitted plot idea had
become the basis of a story entitled "One", assigned to be
scripted by executive producer Jeri Taylor. |
Robert Picardo contributed some dialogue that his
character of The Doctor says to Seven of Nine in one of their
arguments here. "I asked to add the lines, 'What you need is
some editorial skill in your self-expression,'" remembered Picardo.
"'Between impulse and action, there is a realm of good
taste begging for your acquaintance' [....] They put that in,
because the lines that I had, I wasn't enjoying." Another reason
why Picardo suggested the dialogue was because he imagined that,
while The Doctor was criticizing Seven for lacking certain
social graces, the holographic character would probably use a
selection of well-chosen words to demonstrate what he was trying
to communicate to her. |
Seven of Nine actress Jeri Ryan enjoyed performing
in this installment, despite being sick during the episode's
production. She was also attracted to its plot, later referring
to it as "an interesting story." Concerning Seven's plight of
aloneness here, Ryan stated, "It was a neat concept for an
episode." |
Director Kenneth Biller was pleased to collaborate
on this installment with Jeri Ryan, who Biller described as
"great to work with." He recognized, however, that the episode
was challenging for Ryan. Biller commented, "It was basically
her all day, every day [...] [with] grueling hours. She was very
present and very there the whole time. This was a very difficult
show emotionally for her, where she has to slowly come unraveled."
Bryan Fuller was highly satisfied with Jeri Ryan's
work here, referring to it as "amazing." |
Ken Biller observed that, by this point in the
series, Torres actress Roxann Dawson had more-or-less recovered
from having been pregnant, earlier in the fourth season. "By the
time I was directing ['One'], she'd already had the baby, and
she was raring to go and ready to get back to work," noted Biller.
"So as a director I really didn't have the problem of
having to shoot around her belly." |
Robert Picardo was delighted with the dialogue that
he himself added to the episode. "I thought [it] was a pretty
funny Doctor dress-down," he enthused. |
In the morning of 3 February 1998, a production
meeting for this installment was held, attended by Ken Biller.
By the time the lunch interval ended on that day, Biller had
departed from the meeting and was ready to join the other
members of the series' writing staff in a story break session
that resumed after lunch, concerning the season finale,
ultimately entitled "Hope and Fear". |
One of the sets for this episode was under
construction on 9 February 1998, on Paramount Stage 16 (which
simultaneously housed Star Trek's permanent cave set as well as
a set used for both the Museum of Kyrian Heritage in the earlier
fourth season episode "Living Witness" and the Son'a surgical
facility in the film Star Trek: Insurrection). |
The episode was in production – on several
stages of the Paramount Pictures lot – by 16 February 1998.
Ken Biller specified that the
scenes of this episode involving Jeri Ryan were filmed over a
period of seven days. |
While the episode was in production, Robert Picardo
took some time to be interviewed for Cinefantastique, sitting in
the Voyager engineering set. |
Ken Biller found that the duration in which he
directed this episode was "great."
He said further, "It was a
really good episode to direct because it had some fantasy
sequences, and some scary, atmospheric stuff [....] There are
significant portions of the episode that don't really have any
dialogue, which is always fun for a director, because you try to
tell the story through the pictures. That was really a
challenge." Some difficulties of the episode's making concerned Biller's direction of Jeri Ryan.
"There were moments when we had
to make a decision about exactly how vulnerable she was going to
be and how much fear she would show," Biller said. "There were
times when maybe she wanted to go a little further than I did,
and I would have to remind her that we still have to give
ourselves some place to go, so that you don't reach your most unraveled state until the end of the picture." |
The production of the shot in which a regenerating
Seven of Nine dreams of being alone in a frozen wasteland
involved the use of bluescreen. "We shot Jeri Ryan on a bluescreen stage," visual effects supervisor Mitch Suskin
recalled, "and did a dolly-back and a crane-up to pull back and
away from her." |
On the night of 26 February 1998, filming on this
episode was ended shortly before midnight. On the following day (which was scheduled to be the last
day of production on the installment), some second unit
photography for the episode was filmed on the Voyager bridge set
(on Stage 8). This involved some hand-held camera work, usage of
bluescreen, low level lighting and special effect smoke, as well
as heavy burn make-up for several of the regular cast
(specifically, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Duncan McNeill, Robert
Beltran, Tim Russ and Garrett Wang). The footage filmed was both the scene in which Seven is
tormented by illusory members of the senior staff on Voyager's
bridge and part of the scene before that, with Seven in a turbolift. In the knowledge that
"One" had filmed late on the
previous night, Winrich Kolbe – who was assigned to direct "Hope
and Fear" – was waiting patiently, at 9 a.m., for a break in the
filming of this episode. At 11:30 a.m., such a break began (as
was scheduled), allowing Kolbe a twenty-five-minute meeting with
his key department heads. Filming of this installment continued
soon thereafter, initiated by a crew call at noon.
Even though unit production manager Brad Yacobian made a "guess-timate" that the season finale would
begin shooting at 3:30 p.m., the production of this installment
continued past that point and finally wrapped at 4:30 p.m..The performers who had donned
make-up to look incinerated visited the make-up trailer before
the next installment entered production. |
The Borg interior that Seven sees through a pair of
turbolift doors was a single frame of a visual effect sequence
from Star Trek: First Contact. |
To complete the shot of Seven apparently standing
alone in an icy wilderness, the appropriate bluescreen footage
of Jeri Ryan was, in Mitch Suskin's words, "match-moved into a
3-D painting element" – specifically, a matte painting done by
Eric Chauvin. Snow that covers Seven's feet, in the shot, was
actually part of this painted environment. |
27 April 1998 was the eighth day in a row in which
visual effects supervisor Ronald B. Moore was situated in the
compositing bay at visual effects house Digital Magic and was
also a day on which he was completing his work on the visual
effects shots of this episode. Moore had hopes of completing his
work on this installment by the day's end despite repeatedly
being interrupted from that work, such as by a ringing
telephone. |
Mitch Suskin was happy that the visual effects work
of this episode was somewhat unusual for the series. "Even
though the effects we are doing on 'One' are a little bit out of
the ordinary," he commented, "it's nice for us to have the
difference." |