How are the Ferengi, an Alpha Quadrant species, listed as species 180 by the Borg? Humans, Vulcans and other Alpha races are in the high thousands. In "Scorpion", the Borg
discovered their 8,472nd species. Is this another instance of Jeri Ryan misreading a number (as she has with many a stardate) or the writers just screwing up? (Again) |
In Seven's nightmare sequences, we see several members of the Bajoran Militia, meaning they had been assimilated. However, the
Militia doesn't operate outside the Bajoran System (namely on Bajor and DS9), so how these people came into contact with the Borg is unknown. Any Bajoran assimilated by the Borg would most likely be Starfleet
officers serving on vessels at Wolf 359, in Sector 001 during the Borg incursions or deep space vessels like the USS Tombaugh. |
Both Ferengi and the vessel Ensign Stone served on may have been assimilated without the incident being reported (the ships could have been filed as missing). This is,
after all, what happened with Seven's family's shuttle, and she was assimilated over 20 years ago! |
If a Borg viniculum can survive the destruction of its cube and, as Seven says, its signal "permeates subspace", then how could she
(or any other Borg in either Voyager or TNG) have been severed from the Collective? The near-indestructible vinculum would have ensured that, no matter how far she is, she will always be linked to the hive mind. |
When they show a close-up of Jeri Ryan's head, you can see that she has pierced ears. If Seven had pierced ears as a child they should've healed up by now. |