Non Sequitur Trivia


Harry has a girlfriend on Earth called Libby
One of Voyager's shuttles is called Drake
Harry Kim's best friend was Danny Byrd
There is a Vulcan beverage called a "Vulcan Mocha"
According to Mr. Cosimo, Harry Kim likes to sleep in on Sundays.
There is a starfleet medal called "The Cochrane Medal of Excellence."
According to Tom Paris, Tom never went with Voyager because of a "certain shapeshifter".
According to Cosimo, a time stream weaves through the galaxy like a thread and the only way you can catch it is to know it.
Harry Kim was an officer at the main starfleet complex, level six, subsection forty-seven.
According to B'Elanna you can tie the transporter directly into the main deflector dish and use the dishes strength to boost the transporter signal.