The aliens track down Voyager after studying a sample of her warp plasma at the same station that was featured in the episode Fair Trade. However, Voyager never lost any warp
plasma. The sample Neelix used in the sting operation, was provided by the station security chief after Neelix couldn't bring himself to steal some from Voyager. If the aliens used that sample as a reference, they would never have located Voyager. |
The alien species featured in this episode are said to be descended from a type of hadrosaur. This flies in the face of scientific evidence and popular theory. As far as dinosaurs go,
it was the carnivorous troodon family, not the hadrosaurs, that were the "geniuses", and the one some paleontologists believe could have ascended to human level intelligence had the dinosaurs not been wiped out. |
Chakotay knows about the discovery of the genetic markers throughout Voyager's biological database. However, that discovery was not made until after he was beamed away by Gegen, and there is
no indication that he was in contact with Voyager between the time it was impounded and the trial began. |
One of the Saurians asserts that the computer system aboard Voyager is binary in nature, though it has been previously established that this vessel no longer uses this particular method of numeric encoding. |