Janeway: "Send
all sensor data about the particle wave to my Ready Room. Tom, disengage
engines and hold position here."
Chakotay: "Captain, what's going on?"
Janeway: "I can't explain right now. Don't
discuss any of this with the rest of the crew. I'll have further
instructions for you soon." |
Janeway: "Access
secured data file Omega 1."
Computer: "Voiceprint confirmed. State clearance
Janeway: "Janeway-one-one-five-three-red,
clearance level ten."
Computer: "Confirmed." |
Computer: “Implement
the Omega Directive immediately. All other priorities have been
rescinded." |
Chakotay: "The
Captain wants to see you."
Seven of Nine: "I thought she might." |
Seven of Nine: "Omega
is infinitely complex yet harmonious. To the Borg it represents
perfection. I wish to understand that perfection."
Janeway: "The Borg's Holy Grail." |
The Doctor: "Arithrazine?
What for?"
Janeway: "I'm going on an away mission."
The Doctor: "What are you planning to do?
Stroll through a supernova?" |
Janeway: "If
it were a simple matter of trust, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you.
But we've encountered situations where information was taken from
us by force. I can't allow knowledge of Omega to go beyond Voyager."
Chakotay: "That's a reasonable argument but
you're not always a reasonable woman […] We'll keep classified
information limited to the senior staff. We'll take every security
precaution. Just don't try to do this alone."
Janeway: "Assemble the troops." |
Janeway: "You've all seen
this symbol - Omega. The last letter of the Greek alphabet, chosen
by Starfleet to represent a threat not only to the Federation but
to the entire galaxy. Only Starship Captains and Federation Flag
Officers have been briefed on the nature of this threat. “ |
Janeway: "I don't have to
tell you what's at stake. If a large-scale Omega explosion occurs,
we'll lose the ability to go to warp forever. We've got our work
cut out for us." |
Janeway: "For the duration
of this mission, the Prime Directive has been rescinded.” |
Seven of Nine: "Which of
them is the senior researcher?"
The Doctor: "This gentleman. Why do you ask?"
Seven of Nine: "He has knowledge I require."
The Doctor: "He also happens to be barely
conscious. Come back in an hour."
Seven of Nine: "Unacceptable."
The Doctor: "Unavoidable!” |
Janeway: “The
Final Frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and
we're looking at one." |
Seven of Nine: "Your
Starfleet Directive is no longer relevant. I have found a way to
control Omega."
Janeway: "I don't care if you can make it
sing and dance! We're getting rid of it." |
Seven of Nine: "For
3.2 seconds, I saw perfection. When Omega stabilised, I felt a curious
sensation. As I was watching it, it seemed to be watching me. The
Borg have assimilated many species with mythologies to explain such
moments of clarity. I've always dismissed them as trivial. Perhaps
I was wrong."
Janeway: "If I didn't know you better. I'd
say you just had your first spiritual experience." |