The information relating to the omega directive is restricted to senior staff. Yet on an away mission Janeway freely discusses the omega molecule
in front of crew members who are not of seniority.
When Voyager is attacked by the aliens, the bridge is jolted along with Chakotay and Paris, but Kim doesn't move at all.
He may have been holding onto his console, but he should still have moved a little.
Chakotay tells Paris that they will need maximum warp when the Omega Molecules are destroyed in space, or else they will be caught at ground zero.
After engaging warp, Tom says "We are at Warp 1". is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Paramount, CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK images, trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. and/or Paramount Pictures. All original content (c) 2025 Trapezoid Media, LLC. - Terms & Conditions