Paris: "Looks like they're calling your
bluff, captain. It was a bluff, wasn't it?" |
Kurros: "There is nothing like a good
problem to spark the synapses, is there?" |
Tuvok: "The size of the bounty is
immaterial. According to Seven of Nine, the Hazari pride
themselves on honoring their agreements."
Kim: "Great. Bounty hunters with a work ethic." |
Kurros: "You have a problem, Captain...
and I am the solution." |
Neelix: "Should I have The Doctor prepare
a hypospray?"
Janeway: "Excuse me?"
Neelix: "So you can absorb the caffeine more directly.
Save time." |
Neelix: "I thought we were onto something
with B'Elanna's plan..."
Torres: "Forget it. I was wrong." |
Janeway: "We have an old expression,
Kurros. 'Don't call us; we'll call you.' " |
Seven of Nine: "Cheating is often more
efficient." |
Janeway: "All we have to do now is …
out-think the think tank." |
Janeway: "Oh, I'm sure you'll find a
solution. Just give it some … thought." |