Message in a Bottle Quotes

Chakotay: "What do you want me to do? Throw her in the Brig for the rest of the trip home?"
Torres: "I've heard worse ideas."
Janeway: "Starfleet vessel, this is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager. We are in the Delta Quadrant, at co-ordinates 18, mark 205, mark 47. Remodulate your signal to match our interlink frequency."
The Doctor: "When I requested more away missions this isn't exactly what I had in mind."
The Doctor: "Far be it from me to turn down an opportunity to become a hero. I'm ready."
Rekar: "You'd be surprised how stubborn humans can be."
EMH II: "Mmm, yes, yes, yes, yes. You're the Mark 1 EMH, the inferior program."
The Doctor: "Inferior?!"
EMH II: "Beady eyes, terrible bedside manner, I recognise you.”
EMH II: "The Romulans haven't gotten involved in our fight with the Dominion."
The Doctor: "The who?"
EMH II: "Long story."
EMH II: "I'm a doctor, not a commando!"
The Doctor: "Your holo-matrix is unstable. It may explain your erratic behaviour."
EMH II: "I told you, I'm a work in progress. I was only installed six weeks ago."
EMH II: "You're not my patient."
The Doctor: "My first bit of good news!”
The Doctor: "I’ve even had sexual relations."
EMH II: "Sex?! How's that possible? We're not equipped with… "
The Doctor: "…Let's just say I made an addition to my program."
EMH II: "Before you leave maybe you could download those subroutines into my database."
The Doctor: "We'll see."
Seven of Nine: "I am rude?!"
The Doctor: “You know you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly?"
The Doctor: "I've had my share of piloting experience. Actually only two lessons, and they were in a shuttlecraft, on the Holodeck, but I showed great intuition! Where's the helm?"
The Doctor: "Stop breathing down my neck."
EMH II: "My breathing is merely a simulation."
The Doctor: "So is my neck. Stop it anyway."
The Doctor: "Three more ships are approaching."
EMH II: "We're doomed."
The Doctor: "No. They're Starfleet."
EMH II: "What are they doing?"
The Doctor: "Firing on us!"
The Doctor: "You hit the wrong ship."
EMH II: "It wasn't my fault!"
The Doctor: "Whose fault was it, the torpedo's?! You're supposed to tell it what to do!"
The Doctor: "…and they [Starfleet] asked me to relay a message. They wanted you to know you're no longer alone."
Janeway: "60,000 light years seems a little closer today."