
The captain acts very strangely after
returning from an away mission with the Doctor, who also
acts strangely, as do Chakotay and Torres in turn. It turns
out that the Doctor is taking on the personalities of other
crewmembers to save the captain from a ransom demand. |
Renaissance Man |
VOY Season 7, Episode 24
Phyllis Strong and Mike Sussman
Andrew Shepard Price
and Mark Gaberman
Mike Vejar
First Aired May 16, 2001
Stardate 54890.7 |

BACK TO VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE | Season 7 Episodes: Unimatrix Zero, Part II, Imperfection, Drive, Repression, Critical Care, Inside Man, Body and Soul, Nightingale, Flesh and Blood, Shattered, Lineage, Repentance, Prophecy, The Void, Workforce, Workforce,Part II , Human Error, Q2, Author, Author, Friendship One, Natural Law, Homestead, Renaissance Man, Endgame
